sameCentState(Star) - Method in class visidia.rule.Star
sameState(Neighbor) - Method in class visidia.rule.Neighbor
compare only the labels.
save(Object) - Method in class visidia.io.AgentIO
This function does nothing.
save(Object) - Method in class visidia.io.AlgorithmIO
This function does nothing.
save(Object) - Method in class visidia.io.ClassIO
This function does nothing.
save(Object) - Method in class visidia.io.gml.GMLGraphIO
Saves the current graph view (with graphics attributes) or graph (without graphics attributes).
save(Object) - Method in class visidia.io.GraphIO
save(Object) - Method in class visidia.io.SensorMoverIO
This function does nothing.
save(Object) - Method in interface visidia.io.VisidiaIO
Saves an object.
searchFile(String) - Method in class visidia.misc.FileHandler
Searches a file.
sendAll(Message) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.algorithm.Algorithm
Sends the message message to all neighbors.
SendMessageCommand - Class in visidia.simulation.command
SendMessageCommand is the command involved when a message is sent.
SendMessageCommand(int, int, MessagePacket) - Constructor for class visidia.simulation.command.SendMessageCommand
Instantiates a new command to send a message.
sendMessageTo(int, Message) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.MessageProcess
Sends a message.
sendMyState() - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.algorithm.RuleAlgorithm
send the label to the star center if he is connected. in LC1 they are many centers, so this methode is redefined in LC1Rule.
sendTo(int, Message) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.algorithm.Algorithm
Sends the message message on target door.
sendTo(int, Message) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.algorithm.SynchronousAlgorithm
Send the message message on target door.
sendToConsole(Command) - Method in class visidia.simulation.server.LocalServer
sendToConsole(Command) - Method in class visidia.simulation.server.RemoteServer
sendToConsole(Command) - Method in class visidia.simulation.server.Server
Sends a command to the console.
sendUpdate() - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.algorithm.RuleAlgorithm
send the states (described in synob) to synchronized neighbors. this method is used by the center after a transformation.
Sensor - Class in visidia.graph
This class manages a sensor as a vertex belonging to a graph G1, and moving along edges of a graph G2.
Sensor(int) - Constructor for class visidia.graph.Sensor
Instantiates a new sensor.
SENSOR_COMMUNICATION_DISTANCE - Static variable in class visidia.misc.VisidiaSettings.Constants
SENSOR_NB_VERTICES_X - Static variable in class visidia.misc.VisidiaSettings.Constants
SENSOR_NB_VERTICES_Y - Static variable in class visidia.misc.VisidiaSettings.Constants
SENSOR_VERTEX_GAP_X - Static variable in class visidia.misc.VisidiaSettings.Constants
SENSOR_VERTEX_GAP_Y - Static variable in class visidia.misc.VisidiaSettings.Constants
SensorCommandListener - Interface in visidia.simulation.command
The listener interface for receiving command events relative to sensors.
SensorGraph - Class in visidia.graph
A sensor is a kind of graph whose vertices move along another graph edges.
SensorGraph(Graph) - Constructor for class visidia.graph.SensorGraph
Instantiates a new sensor graph.
SensorGraph(Graph, SensorMover) - Constructor for class visidia.graph.SensorGraph
Instantiates a new sensor graph.
sensorMoved(int, SupportVertex, SupportVertex, VisidiaEvent) - Method in interface visidia.simulation.command.SensorCommandListener
Sensor moved.
SensorMover - Class in visidia.simulation.process
Abstract class providing different moving types for the sensors.
SensorMover() - Constructor for class visidia.simulation.process.SensorMover
Instantiates a new sensor mover.
SensorMoverCellHandler - Class in visidia.misc.property.cell.handler
SensorMoverCellHandler is a concrete handler for ClassIdentifier objects related to a SensorMover.
SensorMoverCellHandler() - Constructor for class visidia.misc.property.cell.handler.SensorMoverCellHandler
Instantiates a new sensor mover cell handler.
SensorMoverIO - Class in visidia.io
This class deals with input operations on sensor movers.
SensorMoverIO(ClassIdentifier) - Constructor for class visidia.io.SensorMoverIO
Instantiates a new sensor mover input/output.
sensorNumberDisplayed(boolean) - Method in interface visidia.simulation.command.SensorCommandListener
Sensor number displayed.
sensorNumberSet(SupportVertex) - Method in interface visidia.simulation.command.SensorCommandListener
Sensor number set.
SensorSyncAlgorithm - Class in visidia.simulation.process.algorithm
This is the abstract base class representing a synchronous algorithm for sensors in visidia.
SensorSyncAlgorithm() - Constructor for class visidia.simulation.process.algorithm.SensorSyncAlgorithm
serialize(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class visidia.simulation.command.AddEdgeCommand
serialize(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class visidia.simulation.command.ChangeEdgePropertyCommand
serialize(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class visidia.simulation.command.ChangeEdgeStateCommand
serialize(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class visidia.simulation.command.ChangeNodePropertyCommand
serialize(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class visidia.simulation.command.Command
serialize(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class visidia.simulation.command.DisplaySensorNumberCommand
serialize(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class visidia.simulation.command.EndSimulationCommand
serialize(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class visidia.simulation.command.MoveAgentCommand
serialize(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class visidia.simulation.command.MoveSensorCommand
serialize(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class visidia.simulation.command.NewPulseCommand
serialize(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class visidia.simulation.command.RemoveAgentCommand
serialize(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class visidia.simulation.command.RemoveEdgeCommand
serialize(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class visidia.simulation.command.SendMessageCommand
serialize(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class visidia.simulation.command.SetSensorNumberCommand
server - Variable in class visidia.simulation.process.ProcessType
The server.
Server - Class in visidia.simulation.server
This is the abstract base class to represent a server in visidia.
Server(Console) - Constructor for class visidia.simulation.server.Server
Instantiates a new server.
set(Color, String) - Method in class visidia.misc.ColorLabel
Sets both the color and label.
set(String, Object) - Method in class visidia.misc.VisidiaSettings
Sets the value associated with key.
setAgent(Agent) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.agent.AgentMover
Sets the agent.
setAgent(Agent) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.AgentProcess
Sets the agent.
setAgentMover(String) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.agent.Agent
Sets the agent mover.
setAgentProcess(AgentProcess) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.agent.Agent
Sets the agent process.
setAlgorithm(Algorithm) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.MessageProcess
Sets the algorithm.
setArea(Area) - Method in class visidia.io.gml.parser.GMLNodeGraphics
setCenterState(String) - Method in class visidia.rule.Star
setCenterState(String) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.synchronization.SynchronizationObjectTerminationRules
setColor(Color) - Method in class visidia.misc.ColorLabel
Sets the color.
setColor(Color) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.messages.MessageType
Sets the color.
setColumnComparator(Class, Comparator) - Method in class visidia.misc.TableSorter
setConnected(int, boolean) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.synchronization.SynchronizationObject
setConsole(Console) - Method in class visidia.simulation.evtack.VisidiaEvent
Sets the console.
setConsole(Console) - Method in class visidia.simulation.playrec.ReplayInfo
Sets the console.
setCountNextPulse(int) - Method in class visidia.simulation.Console
Sets the count next pulse.
setCustomPalette(ColorPalette) - Method in class visidia.misc.colorpalette.ColorPaletteManager
Sets the custom palette.
setDecimal(Double) - Method in class visidia.misc.property.cell.DoubleCell
Sets the decimal.
setDefault(String, Object) - Method in class visidia.misc.VisidiaSettings
Sets the default value associated with key.
setDescription(String) - Method in class visidia.rule.RelabelingSystem
set a help text concerning the relabeling system.
setDestinationVertex(Vertex) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.AgentProcess
Sets the destination vertex.
setDoor(int) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.criterion.DoorPulseCriterion
set the door in the criterion.
setDoorNum(int) - Method in class visidia.rule.Neighbor
set the value of door.
setDoors(Star) - Method in class visidia.rule.Star
sets the door numbers of the star, with the value of door numbers of those at the same position in the star b.
setDoorState(EdgeState, int) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.agent.Agent
Sets the door state.
setDoorState(EdgeState, int) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.algorithm.Algorithm
Sets the door state.
setEdgeProperty(int, Object, Object) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.agent.Agent
Sets the edge property.
setEdgeProperty(int, Object, Object) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.algorithm.Algorithm
Sets the edge property.
setEdgeProperty(Vertex, int, Object, Object, boolean) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.ProcessType
Sets the edge property.
setEdgeProperty(Vertex, int, Object, Object) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.ProcessType
Sets the edge property.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class visidia.misc.property.cell.CellViewer
Sets the editable status.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class visidia.misc.property.cell.ClassIdentifierCell
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class visidia.misc.property.cell.JButtonCell
setFill(Color) - Method in class visidia.io.gml.parser.GMLNodeGraphics
setFinished(int, boolean) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.synchronization.SynchronizationObject
setFinished(int, boolean) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.synchronization.SynchronizationObjectTermination
setGlobalSensorMover(SensorMover) - Method in class visidia.graph.SensorGraph
Sets the global sensor mover.
setGlobEnd(boolean) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.synchronization.SynchronizationObject
setGlobEnd(boolean) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.synchronization.SynchronizationObjectTermination
setGraphics(GMLNodeGraphics) - Method in class visidia.io.gml.parser.GMLNode
setIcon(String) - Method in class visidia.io.gml.parser.GMLNodeGraphics
setId(int) - Method in class visidia.graph.Vertex
Sets the vertex id.
setId(Integer) - Method in class visidia.io.gml.parser.GMLNode
setInstanceType(Class<?>) - Method in class visidia.misc.ClassIdentifier
Sets the instance type.
setLabel(String) - Method in class visidia.graph.Edge
Sets the label.
setLabel(String) - Method in class visidia.graph.Vertex
Sets the label.
setLabel(String) - Method in class visidia.io.gml.parser.GMLNode
setLabel(String) - Method in class visidia.misc.ColorLabel
Sets the label.
setMark(int, boolean) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.synchronization.SynchronizationObject
Sets the mark of the neighbour to "mark"
setMax(Double) - Method in class visidia.misc.property.cell.DoubleCell
Sets the max.
setMessageProcess(MessageProcess) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.algorithm.Algorithm
Sets the message process.
setMessageProcess(MessageProcess) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.algorithm.RuleAlgorithm
Sets the message process.
setMin(Double) - Method in class visidia.misc.property.cell.DoubleCell
Sets the min.
setMsgClock(int) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.messages.Message
This method allows the user to set the time at which the message is sent.
setMyState(String) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.algorithm.RuleAlgorithm
setNeighborhood(Star) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.synchronization.SynchronizationObjectTerminationRules
setNodeProperty(int, VisidiaProperty) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.MessageProcess
Sets the node property.
setNum(int) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.messages.Door
Sets the door number.
setOptions(RSOptions) - Method in class visidia.rule.RelabelingSystem
sets the options.
setOriented(boolean) - Method in class visidia.graph.Edge
Sets the orientation status.
setOriginVertex(Vertex) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.AgentProcess
Sets the origin vertex.
setProperties(Properties) - Method in class visidia.io.gml.parser.GMLNode
setProperties(PropertyTable) - Method in class visidia.misc.property.PropertyTable
Sets the properties.
setProperty(VisidiaProperty) - Method in class visidia.graph.Edge
Sets a property.
setProperty(VisidiaProperty) - Method in class visidia.graph.Sensor
setProperty(VisidiaProperty) - Method in class visidia.graph.Vertex
Sets a property.
setProperty(Object, Object, int) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.agent.Agent
Sets the property (key, value).
setProperty(Object, Object) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.agent.Agent
Sets the property.
setPulse(int) - Method in class visidia.simulation.Console
Sets the pulse.
setPulse(int) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.criterion.DoorPulseCriterion
setRelSys(RelabelingSystem) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.algorithm.RuleAlgorithm
set the relabeling system.
setRule(RelabelingSystem) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.agent.AgentRules
setSensorMover(String) - Method in class visidia.graph.Sensor
Sets the sensor mover.
SetSensorNumberCommand - Class in visidia.simulation.command
SetSensorNumberCommand is the command involved when setting a sensor number.
SetSensorNumberCommand(int) - Constructor for class visidia.simulation.command.SetSensorNumberCommand
Instantiates a new move sensor command.
setSimpleRule(boolean) - Method in class visidia.rule.Rule
sets the kind of rule, tue if simple, false if not simple.
setSimulationId(int) - Method in class visidia.simulation.Console
Sets the simulation id.
setSortingStatus(int, int) - Method in class visidia.misc.TableSorter
setSourceId(Integer) - Method in class visidia.io.gml.parser.GMLEdge
setState(Neighbor) - Method in class visidia.rule.Neighbor
sets properties with value of those of the Neighbor given on parameters. only the door number is not set.
setState(int, Neighbor) - Method in class visidia.rule.Star
sets the Neighbor n at the position i in the neighborhood.
setState(int) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.synchronization.SynchronizationObject
Sets the synchronisation state of the node.
setStates(Star) - Method in class visidia.rule.Star
sets states of the star elements (center and neighbors), with the value of states of those at the same position in the star b.
setStats(Statistics) - Method in class visidia.simulation.Console
Sets the stats.
setSuccessor(ClassIdentifierCellHandler) - Method in class visidia.misc.property.cell.handler.ClassIdentifierCellHandler
Sets the successor.
setSupportVertex(SupportVertex) - Method in class visidia.graph.Sensor
Sets the support vertex.
setSwitchedOn(boolean) - Method in class visidia.graph.Vertex
Switches the vertex on/off.
setSynchronizationObject(SynchronizationObject) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.synchronization.SynchronizationAlgorithm
Sets the synchronization object.
setTableHeader(JTableHeader) - Method in class visidia.misc.TableSorter
setTableModel(TableModel) - Method in class visidia.misc.TableSorter
setTargetId(Integer) - Method in class visidia.io.gml.parser.GMLEdge
setTerminatedAlgoStillMovingCount(int) - Method in class visidia.simulation.Console
Sets the terminated algo still moving count.
setThread(Thread) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.ProcessType
Sets the thread.
setToPaint(boolean) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.messages.MessageType
Sets the boolean indicating if the messages must be displayed or not.
setType(String) - Method in class visidia.io.gml.parser.GMLNodeGraphics
setType(int) - Method in class visidia.rule.Rule
sets the type of the rule. possible values are defined in class SynCT. no verification is done.
setType(MessageType) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.messages.Message
This method sets the type of a message.
setValue(Object) - Method in class visidia.misc.property.cell.CellViewer
Sets the value.
setValue(Double) - Method in class visidia.misc.property.cell.DoubleCell
Sets the value.
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class visidia.misc.property.PropertyTableModel
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class visidia.misc.TableSorter
setVertexLabel(String) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.agent.Agent
Sets the vertex label.
setVertexProperty(Object, Object, int) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.agent.Agent
Sets the vertex property.
setVertexProperty(Object, Object) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.agent.Agent
Sets the vertex property.
setVisidiaProperty(VisidiaProperty) - Method in class visidia.misc.property.PropertyTable
Sets a property: a value and the corresponding key.
setVisualization(boolean) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.messages.Message
Sets if the message is to be visualized.
setWeight(double) - Method in class visidia.graph.Edge
Sets the weight.
SHOW_EDGE_LABEL_AND_WEIGHT - Static variable in class visidia.misc.VisidiaSettings.Constants
SHOW_VERTEX_LABEL - Static variable in class visidia.misc.VisidiaSettings.Constants
SHOW_WEIGHT - Static variable in class visidia.misc.VisidiaSettings.Constants
The Constant SHOW_WEIGHT.
SIGN - Static variable in interface visidia.io.gml.parser.GMLParserConstants
simpleRule - Variable in class visidia.rule.Rule
SimulationAbortError - Error in visidia.simulation
An error that is thrown when an aborted thread try to access simulation API.
SimulationAbortError() - Constructor for error visidia.simulation.SimulationAbortError
Instantiates a new simulation abort error.
SimulationAbortError(Throwable) - Constructor for error visidia.simulation.SimulationAbortError
Instantiates a new simulation abort error.
SimulationConstants - Class in visidia.simulation
This class defines several simulation constants.
SimulationConstants() - Constructor for class visidia.simulation.SimulationConstants
SimulationConstants.Messages - Class in visidia.simulation
This class handles constants relative to messages.
SimulationConstants.Messages() - Constructor for class visidia.simulation.SimulationConstants.Messages
SimulationConstants.PropertyStatus - Class in visidia.simulation
The Class PropertyStatus.
SimulationConstants.PropertyStatus() - Constructor for class visidia.simulation.SimulationConstants.PropertyStatus
SimulationConstants.RunningMode - Class in visidia.simulation
This class handles constants relative to running mode.
SimulationConstants.RunningMode() - Constructor for class visidia.simulation.SimulationConstants.RunningMode
SimulationConstants.SimulationStatus - Enum in visidia.simulation
The SimulationStatus enumeration.
SimulationConstants.SimulationType - Enum in visidia.simulation
The SimulationType enumeration.
SimulationPlayer - Class in visidia.simulation.playrec
The simulation player.
SimulationPlayer(VQueue, ReplayInfo) - Constructor for class visidia.simulation.playrec.SimulationPlayer
Instantiates a new simulation player.
simulationTerminated() - Method in interface visidia.simulation.command.CommandListener
Simulation terminated.
size() - Method in class visidia.misc.colorpalette.ColorPalette
Returns the number of colors in current palette.
size() - Method in class visidia.misc.colorpalette.ColorPaletteManager
Returns the number of colors in current palette.
sleep(int) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.agent.Agent
Use this method if you want to fall asleep for a given amount of milliseconds.
sleep(Agent, int) - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.AgentProcess
Makes the specified agent fall asleep for a given amount of milliseconds.
specialConstructor - Variable in exception visidia.io.gml.parser.ParseException
This variable determines which constructor was used to create this object and thereby affects the semantics of the "getMessage" method (see below).
specialToken - Variable in class visidia.io.gml.parser.Token
This field is used to access special tokens that occur prior to this token, but after the immediately preceding regular (non-special) token.
SpringUtilities - Class in visidia.misc
A 1.4 file that provides utility methods for creating form- or grid-style layouts with SpringLayout.
SpringUtilities() - Constructor for class visidia.misc.SpringUtilities
srcDoor - Variable in class visidia.simulation.process.messages.MessagePacket
The sender door.
srcId - Variable in class visidia.simulation.process.messages.MessagePacket
The sender id.
StandardColorPalette - Class in visidia.misc.colorpalette
StandardColorPalette is the default color palette in ViSiDiA.
Star - Class in visidia.rule
Star() - Constructor for class visidia.rule.Star
default constructor. default centerState is "UNKNOWN"
Star(Star) - Constructor for class visidia.rule.Star
constructor of a star clone of an other.
Star(String) - Constructor for class visidia.rule.Star
Star(String, int) - Constructor for class visidia.rule.Star
create a Star which Neighbors doors are numbered from 0 to arity -1.
Star(int) - Constructor for class visidia.rule.Star
create a Star. which Neighbors doors are numbered from 0 to arity -1.
start() - Method in class visidia.simulation.Console
Starts console.
start() - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.MessageProcess
start() - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.ProcessType
Starts the process.
start() - Method in class visidia.VisidiaMain
Starts the applet execution.
state - Variable in class visidia.rule.Neighbor
state() - Method in class visidia.rule.Neighbor
return the state ( a )
staticFlag - Static variable in class visidia.io.gml.parser.ASCIICharStream
Statistics - Class in visidia.stats
This class consists in a collection of objects associated with their occurrence.
Statistics() - Constructor for class visidia.stats.Statistics
Instantiates a new statistics.
StatListener - Interface in visidia.stats
stop() - Method in class visidia.simulation.Console
Stops console.
stop() - Method in class visidia.simulation.process.ProcessType
Stops the process.
stop() - Method in class visidia.VisidiaMain
Stops the applet execution.
STRING - Static variable in interface visidia.io.gml.parser.GMLParserConstants
StringCell - Class in visidia.misc.property.cell
StringCell is the class for editing and rendering in a JTable a cell containing a single string.
StringCell() - Constructor for class visidia.misc.property.cell.StringCell
Instantiates a new string cell.
StringCell(String) - Constructor for class visidia.misc.property.cell.StringCell
Instantiates a new string cell.
StringCell(String, boolean) - Constructor for class visidia.misc.property.cell.StringCell
Instantiates a new string cell.
StringMessage - Class in visidia.simulation.process.messages
This class represents a message containing a string.
StringMessage(String) - Constructor for class visidia.simulation.process.messages.StringMessage
Instantiates a new string message.
StringMessage(String, MessageType) - Constructor for class visidia.simulation.process.messages.StringMessage
Instantiates a new string message.
StringValue() - Method in class visidia.io.gml.parser.GMLParser
successor - Variable in class visidia.misc.property.cell.handler.ClassIdentifierCellHandler
The successor.
SupportVertex - Class in visidia.graph
A SupportVertex in an element of a graph on which sensors move.
SupportVertex(int) - Constructor for class visidia.graph.SupportVertex
Instantiates a new support vertex.
SwitchedOffVertex - Static variable in exception visidia.simulation.process.MoveException
The Constant SwitchedOffVertex.
switchOriginAndDestination() - Method in class visidia.graph.Edge
Switch origin and destination vertices.
SwitchTo(int) - Method in class visidia.io.gml.parser.GMLParserTokenManager
switchVertexOnOff(Vertex) - Method in class visidia.simulation.Console
Switch vertex on/off.
synal - Variable in class visidia.simulation.process.algorithm.RuleAlgorithm
synAlgo - Variable in class visidia.rule.RSOptions
SYNC - Static variable in class visidia.simulation.SimulationConstants.Messages
The synchronization message type.
synchroCenters - Variable in class visidia.simulation.process.synchronization.SynchronizationObject
SynchronizationAlgorithm - Class in visidia.simulation.process.synchronization
all synchronization algorithms should extend this class.
SynchronizationAlgorithm() - Constructor for class visidia.simulation.process.synchronization.SynchronizationAlgorithm
Instantiates a new synchronization algorithm.
SynchronizationAlgorithm(SynchronizationAlgorithm) - Constructor for class visidia.simulation.process.synchronization.SynchronizationAlgorithm
Instantiates a new synchronization algorithm.
SynchronizationObject - Class in visidia.simulation.process.synchronization
The class mother of Synchronization objects
SynchronizationObject() - Constructor for class visidia.simulation.process.synchronization.SynchronizationObject
SynchronizationObjectTermination - Class in visidia.simulation.process.synchronization
this class contains of implementation concerning Termination
SynchronizationObjectTermination() - Constructor for class visidia.simulation.process.synchronization.SynchronizationObjectTermination
SynchronizationObjectTerminationRules - Class in visidia.simulation.process.synchronization
SynchronizationObjectTerminationRules() - Constructor for class visidia.simulation.process.synchronization.SynchronizationObjectTerminationRules
SynchronizedRandom - Class in visidia.misc
SynchronizedRandom is a generator of pseudorandom numbers in a distributed context with concurrent calls.
SynchronizedRandom() - Constructor for class visidia.misc.SynchronizedRandom
SynchronousAgent - Class in visidia.simulation.process.agent
Extend this class to implement Synchronized Agents.
SynchronousAgent() - Constructor for class visidia.simulation.process.agent.SynchronousAgent
SynchronousAlgorithm - Class in visidia.simulation.process.algorithm
This is the abstract base class representing a synchronous algorithm in visidia.
SynchronousAlgorithm() - Constructor for class visidia.simulation.process.algorithm.SynchronousAlgorithm
SyncState - Class in visidia.simulation.process.edgestate
This class represents an edge in the state "synchronized".
SyncState(boolean) - Constructor for class visidia.simulation.process.edgestate.SyncState
Instantiates a new sync state.
SynCT - Class in visidia.simulation.process.synchronization
SynCT() - Constructor for class visidia.simulation.process.synchronization.SynCT
synDoors - Variable in class visidia.simulation.process.synchronization.SynchronizationObject
synob - Variable in class visidia.simulation.process.algorithm.RuleAlgorithm
synob - Variable in class visidia.simulation.process.synchronization.SynchronizationAlgorithm
The synchronization object.
synState - Variable in class visidia.simulation.process.synchronization.SynchronizationObject
synType - Variable in class visidia.simulation.process.algorithm.RuleAlgorithm
The synchronization used for simulation **