Package visidia.misc

Class Summary
CheckBoxList This class manages a list of checkboxes.
ClassIdentifier This class manages some properties about classes loaded at runtime: url, package name, class name, if the class is in a JAR file.
ClassInfo This class allows to retrieve the package a compiled Java class belongs to.
ColorLabel The Class ColorLabel associates a color and a label.
ColorLabelListCellRenderer This class manages the rendering of a cell in a JList.
FileHandler This class manages a unique file handler.
ImageHandler This class manages a unique image handler.
PrefObj This class turns an Object into a byte array (and conversely).
SpringUtilities A 1.4 file that provides utility methods for creating form- or grid-style layouts with SpringLayout.
SynchronizedRandom SynchronizedRandom is a generator of pseudorandom numbers in a distributed context with concurrent calls.
TableSorter TableSorter is a decorator for TableModels; adding sorting functionality to a supplied TableModel.
VisidiaAppletSecurityManager This class redefines a security policy for the application when running as an applet.
VisidiaSettings The Class VisidiaSettings.