Package visidia.simulation.command

Interface Summary
CommandListener The listener interface for receiving command events.
SensorCommandListener The listener interface for receiving command events relative to sensors.

Class Summary
AddEdgeCommand AddEdgeCommand is the command involved when an edge is added (in sensor simulation).
ChangeEdgePropertyCommand The Class ChangeEdgePropertyCommand.
ChangeEdgeStateCommand ChangeEdgeStateCommand is the command involved when a edge state changes.
ChangeNodePropertyCommand ChangeNodePropertyCommand is the command involved when a node property changes.
Command Command is the abstract base class to manages commands exchanged between console and processes.
DisplaySensorNumberCommand DisplaySensorNumberCommand is the command involved when enabling/disabling the sensor number display.
EndSimulationCommand EndAlgorithmCommand is the command involved when an algorithm terminates.
MoveAgentCommand MoveAgentCommand is the command involved when an agent moves.
MoveSensorCommand MoveSensorCommand is the command involved when a sensor moves.
NewPulseCommand NewPulseCommand is the command involved when a new pulse occurs.
RemoveAgentCommand RemoveAgentCommand is the command involved when an agent is removed.
RemoveEdgeCommand RemoveEdgeCommand is the command involved when an edge is removed (in sensor simulation).
SendMessageCommand SendMessageCommand is the command involved when a message is sent.
SetSensorNumberCommand SetSensorNumberCommand is the command involved when setting a sensor number.