
All the publications

Bibliography by years

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Bibliography by authors

Shehla Abbas Cedric Aguerre Michel Bauderon Abdelfattah Belghith
Yves Bertot Adel Bouhoula Pierre Castéran Jeremie Chalopin
Shantanu Das Bilel Derbel Rachid Echahed Abdelaziz ElHibaoui
Vincent Filou Allyx Fontaine Emmanuel Godard Stefan Gruner
Annegret Habel Med-Amine Haddar Ahmed Hadj-Kacem Hatem Hadj Kacem
Hedi Hamdi Brahim Hamid Imen Jemili Mohamed Jmaiel
Bertrand LeSaec Jean-Francois Marckert Antoni Mazurkiewicz Thomas Morsellino
Mohamed Mosbah Anca Muscholl Dominique Méry Yves Métivier
Rodrigue Ossamy Nesrine Ouled Abdallah Daniel Paulsuma John-Michael Robson
Nasser Saheb Nasser Saheb-Djahromi Nicola Santoro Afif Sellami
Gerard Tel Mohamed Tounsi Pierre-Andre Wacrenier Akka Zemmari
Wieslaw Zielonka

Bibliography by categories

Academic JournalsBooksBook Chapters
International Conferences
Research ReportsMisc

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