Publications 2010

Academic Journals

  1. Bilel Derbel, Mohamed Mosbah, Akka Zemmari. Sublinear Fully Distributed Partition with Applications. Theory of Computing Systems, 47(3):368-404, 2010. details ppt
  2. Abdelaaziz El Hibaoui, John Michael Robson, Nasser Saheb-Djahromi, Akka Zemmari. Uniform Election in Trees and Polyominoids. Discrete Applied Mathematics, (158):981-987, 2010. details ppt
  3. Yves Métivier, John Michael Robson, Nasser Saheb-Djahromi, Akka Zemmari. About Randomised Distributed Graph Colouring and Graph Partition Algorithms. Information and Computation, 208(2):1296-1304, 2010. details ppt
  4. Yves Métivier, Jérémie Chalopin. On the power of synchronization between two adjacent processes. Distributed Computing, 23(3):177-196, November 2010. details ppt
  5. Yves Métivier, John Michael Robson, Nasser Saheb-Djahromi, Akka Zemmari. About Randomised Distributed Graph Colouring and Graph Partition Algorithms. Information and Computation, 208(11):1296-1304, September 2010. details ppt

International Conferences

  1. Pierre Castéran, Vincent Filou. Tâches, types et tactiques pour les systèmes de calculs locaux. In Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs, 2010. details
  2. Dominique Méry, Mohammed Mosbah, Mohammed Tounsi. Proving Distributed Algorithms by Combining Refinement and Local Computations. In AVOCS 2010 10th International Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems, Michael Leuschel, Markus Roggenbach Jens Bendisposto (ed.), Dusseldorf, Allemagne, September 2010. details ppt
  3. Nesrine Ouled Abdallah, Hatem Hadj Kacem, Mohamed Mosbah, Akka Zemmari. Broadcast in wireless mobile sensor networks with population protocols and extension with the rendezvous model. In NOuvelles TEchnologies de la REpartition, Khalil Drira, Ahmed Hadj Kacem, Mohamed Jmaiel (eds.), IEEE, Pages 219-226, Tozeur, Tunisie, August 2010. details ppt
  4. Pierre Castéran, Vincent Filou. Tâches, types et tactiques pour les systèmes de calculs locaux. In Actes des vingt-et-unièmes Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs, Ivan Lavallée (ed.), Studia Informatica Universalis, Pages 83-110, La Ciotat, France, March 2010. details ppt

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