Publications 2003
Academic Journals
- Michel Bauderon, Mohamed Mosbah. A Unified Framework for Designing, Implementing and Visualizing Distributed Algorithms. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, GT-VMT'2002, Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques (First International Conference on Graph Transformation), 72(3):13-24, 2003.
- Yves Métivier, Nasser Saheb, Akka Zemmari. Analysis of a randomized rendezvous algorithm. Inf. Comput, 184(1):109-128, 2003.
International Conferences
- Bilel Derbel, Mohamed Mosbah. Distributing the Execution of a Distributed Algorithm over a Network. In IV '03: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Information Visualization, Washington, DC, USA, 2003.
- Emmanuel Godard, Yves Métivier. Deducible and Equivalent Structural Knowledges in Distributed Algorithms. In Theory of Computing Systems, Pages 631-54, 2003.
- Yves Métivier, Nasser Saheb, Akka Zemmari. A uniform randomized election in trees. In 10th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity, Pages 261-74, 2003.
- Bilel Derbel, Mohamed Mosbah. Distribution de l'exécution d'un algorithme distribué sur un réseau. In Conférence Internationale Sciences Electroniques, Technologies de l'Information et des Técommunications (SETIT 2002), IEEE, Sousse, Tunisia, March 2003.
- Mohamed Mosbah, Affif Sellami. Un modèle général pour l'étude, l'implémentation et la visualisation d'algorithmes distribués. In Conférence Internationale Sciences Electroniques, Technologies de l'Information et des Técommunications (SETIT 2002), IEEE, Sousse, Tunisia, March 2003.
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