Publications 2005
International Conferences
- Jérémie Chalopin. Election and local computations on closed unlabelled edges (extended abstract. In Proc. of SOFSEM 2005, 2005.
- Brahim Hamid, Mohamed Mosbah. A Formal Model for Fault-Tolerance in Distributed Systems. In Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, Volume 3688, Pages 108-21, 2005.
- Brahim Hamid, Mohamed Mosbah. An Automatic Approach to Self-Stabilization. In SNPD-SAWN '05: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing and First ACIS International Workshop on Self-Assembling Wireless Networks, Pages 123-128, Washington, DC, USA, 2005.
- Brahim Hamid, Mohamed Mosbah. An Implementation of a Failure Detector for Local Computations in Graphs. In International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Networks, PDCN 2005, Pages 473-8, Innsbruck, Austria, 2005.
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