Publications 2008

International Conferences

  1. Shehla Abbas, Mohamed Mosbah, Akka Zemmari. Merging Time of Random Mobile Agents. In Dynamics in Logistics, Pages 179-90, 2008. details ppt
  2. Jérémie Chalopin, Emmanuel Godard, Yves Métivier. Local terminations and distributed computability in anonymous networks. In Distributed computing International symposium on distributed computing (DISC), Lecture notes in computer science, Volume 4218, Pages 47-62, Arcachon France, 2008. details ppt
  3. Jérémie Chalopin, Antoni Mazurkiewicz, Yves Métivier. Labelled (hyper)graphs, negotiations and the naming problem. In Graph transformation International conference on graph transformation (ICGT), Lecture notes in computer science, Volume 5214, Pages 54-68, Royaume-Uni, 2008. details ppt
  4. Bilel Derbel, Mohamed Mosbah, Stefan Gruner. Mobile Agents Implementing Local Computations in Graphs. In ICGT '08: Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Graph Transformations, Pages 99-114, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008. details ppt
  5. Med-Amine Haddar, Ahmed Hadj-Kacem, Yves Métivier, Mohamed Mosbah, Mohamed Jmaiel. Proving Distributed Algorithms for Mobile Agents: Examples of Spanning Tree Computation in Anonymous Networks. In Distributed Computing and Networking, Volume 904, Pages 286-291, 2008. details ppt
  6. Med-Amine Haddar, Ahmed Hadj-Kacem, Yves Métivier, Mohamed Mosbah, Mohamed Jmaiel. Electing a leader in the local computation model using mobile agents. In AICCSA '08: Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, Pages 473-480, Washington, DC, USA, 2008. details ppt

Research Reports

  1. Jérémie Chalopin, Daniel Paulsuma. Graph labelling derived from models in distributed computing: a complete complexity classification. Research Report Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique (LaBRI), No 0, 2008. details

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