Publications of Mohamed Tounsi
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Academic Journals
- Mohamed Tounsi, Mohamed Mosbah, Dominique Méry. Proving Distributed Algorithms by Combining Refinement and Local Computations. Electronic Communications of the EASST, 35:0-2122, November 2011.
International Conferences
- Dominique Méry, Mohamed Mosbah, Mohamed Tounsi. Refinement-based Verification of Local Synchronization Algorithms. In Formal Methods FM2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Limerick, Irlande, June 2011.
- Dominique Méry, Mohammed Mosbah, Mohammed Tounsi. Proving Distributed Algorithms by Combining Refinement and Local Computations. In AVOCS 2010 10th International Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems, Michael Leuschel, Markus Roggenbach Jens Bendisposto (ed.), Dusseldorf, Allemagne, September 2010.
- Mohamed Tounsi, Ahmed Hadj-Kacem, Mohamed Mosbah, Dominique Méry. A Refinement Approach for Proving Distributed Algorithms : Examples of Spanning Tree Problems. In Integration of Model based Formal Methods and Tools(IMFMT 2009), Düsseldorf Allemagne, 2009.
- Mohamed Mosbah, Mohamed Tounsi. Automatic Implementation of Distributed Algorithms Specified in Event-B. In proceedings of Symbolic Computation in Software Science ( SCSS 2009) Symbolic Computation in Software Science (SCSS 2009), Tunisie, 2009.
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