Publications 2011

Academic Journals

  1. Pierre Castéran, Vincent Filou. Tasks, types and tactics for local computation systems. Studia Informatica Universalis,, 9.1:39-86, 2011. details ppt
  2. Mohamed Tounsi, Mohamed Mosbah, Dominique Méry. Proving Distributed Algorithms by Combining Refinement and Local Computations. Electronic Communications of the EASST, 35:0-2122, November 2011. details ppt
  3. Yves Métivier, John Michael Robson, Nasser Saheb-Djahromi, Akka Zemmari. An optimal bit complexity randomised distributed MIS algorithm. Distributed Computing, 23(5):331-340, January 2011. details ppt

Book Chapters

  1. Mohamed Mosbah, Rachid Echahed, Annegret Habel. Graph Computation Models.. In Graph Computation Models., Electronic Communications of the EASST, EASST, October 2011. details ppt

International Conferences

  1. Dominique Méry, Mohamed Mosbah, Mohamed Tounsi. Refinement-based Verification of Local Synchronization Algorithms. In Formal Methods FM2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Limerick, Irlande, June 2011. details ppt

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