Publications of Ahmed Hadj-Kacem
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Academic Journals
- Med-Amine Haddar, Ahmed Hadj-Kacem, Yves Métivier, Mohamed Mosbah, Mohamed Jmaiel. A Distributed Computational Model for Mobile Agents. Agent Computing and Multi-Agent Systems: 10th Pacific Rim International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, PRIMA 2007, Bangkok, Thailand, November 21-23, 2007. Revised Papers, pages 416-421, 2007.
International Conferences
- Mohamed Tounsi, Ahmed Hadj-Kacem, Mohamed Mosbah, Dominique Méry. A Refinement Approach for Proving Distributed Algorithms : Examples of Spanning Tree Problems. In Integration of Model based Formal Methods and Tools(IMFMT 2009), Düsseldorf Allemagne, 2009.
- Med-Amine Haddar, Ahmed Hadj-Kacem, Yves Métivier, Mohamed Mosbah, Mohamed Jmaiel. Proving Distributed Algorithms for Mobile Agents: Examples of Spanning Tree Computation in Anonymous Networks. In Distributed Computing and Networking, Volume 904, Pages 286-291, 2008.
- Med-Amine Haddar, Ahmed Hadj-Kacem, Yves Métivier, Mohamed Mosbah, Mohamed Jmaiel. Electing a leader in the local computation model using mobile agents. In AICCSA '08: Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, Pages 473-480, Washington, DC, USA, 2008.
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