Uses of Class

Packages that use Message

Uses of Message in visidia.simulation.command

Methods in visidia.simulation.command with parameters of type Message
 void CommandListener.messageSent(int senderId, int receiverId, Message msg, VisidiaEvent event)
          Message sent.

Uses of Message in visidia.simulation.process

Methods in visidia.simulation.process that return Message
 Message MessageProcess.getNextMessage(Door door, Criterion c)
          Gets the next message received on the specified door (if any) corresponding to the criterion (if any).

Methods in visidia.simulation.process with parameters of type Message
 boolean MessageProcess.sendMessageTo(int door, Message msg)
          Sends a message.

Uses of Message in visidia.simulation.process.algorithm

Methods in visidia.simulation.process.algorithm that return Message
protected  Message SynchronousAlgorithm.getNextMessage(DoorPulseCriterion dpc)
          The most general and powerful method to handle reception of messages.
protected  Message SynchronousAlgorithm.receive(Door door)
          return the first message arrived in the previous pulse and write the door number in the Door object.
protected  Message Algorithm.receive(Door door)
          Gets the first message arriving on the node.
protected  Message Algorithm.receiveFrom(int door)
          Gets the first message arriving on target door.
protected  Message Algorithm.receiveFrom(int door, MessageCriterion mc)
          Gets the first message arriving on target door that matches the criterion.

Methods in visidia.simulation.process.algorithm with parameters of type Message
protected  void Algorithm.sendAll(Message msg)
          Sends the message message to all neighbors.
protected  boolean SynchronousAlgorithm.sendTo(int door, Message msg)
          Send the message message on target door.
protected  boolean Algorithm.sendTo(int door, Message msg)
          Sends the message message on target door.

Uses of Message in visidia.simulation.process.messages

Subclasses of Message in visidia.simulation.process.messages
 class BooleanMessage
          This class represents a message containing a boolean.
 class IntegerMessage
          This class represents a message containing an integer.
 class NeighborMessage
          This class represents information (label, mark) about a neighbor.
 class StringMessage
          This class represents a message containing a string.
 class VectorMessage
          This class represents a message containing a set of information which can be of different type.

Fields in visidia.simulation.process.messages declared as Message
protected  Message MessagePacket.mesg
          The message.

Methods in visidia.simulation.process.messages that return Message
 Message MessagePacket.message()
          Gets the message.

Constructors in visidia.simulation.process.messages with parameters of type Message
MessagePacket(java.lang.Integer senderId, int srcDoor, java.lang.Integer receiverId, int destDoor, Message msg)
          Instantiates a new message packet.