Uses of Class

Packages that use Vertex

Uses of Vertex in visidia.graph

Subclasses of Vertex in visidia.graph
 class Sensor
          This class manages a sensor as a vertex belonging to a graph G1, and moving along edges of a graph G2.
 class SupportVertex
          A SupportVertex in an element of a graph on which sensors move.

Fields in visidia.graph with type parameters of type Vertex
protected  java.util.Vector<Vertex> Vertex.neighbors
          The neighbors.
protected  java.util.Vector<Vertex> Graph.vertices
          The vertices.

Methods in visidia.graph that return Vertex
 Vertex Graph.createVertex()
          Creates a vertex.
 Vertex Graph.createVertex(int id)
          Creates a vertex with specific id.
 Vertex Edge.getDestination()
          Gets the destination.
 Vertex Vertex.getNeighborByDoor(int door)
          Gets the neighbor associated to the door.
 Vertex Edge.getOrigin()
          Gets the origin.
 Vertex Graph.getVertex(int id)
          Gets the vertex with this id.

Methods in visidia.graph that return types with arguments of type Vertex
 java.util.Enumeration<Vertex> Vertex.getNeighbors()
          Gets the neighbors.
 java.util.Enumeration<Vertex> Graph.getVertices()
          Gets the vertices.

Methods in visidia.graph with parameters of type Vertex
 Sensor SensorGraph.addSensorOnVertex(Vertex vertex)
          Adds the sensor on vertex.
 void Graph.addVertex(Vertex vertex)
          Adds the vertex.
 int[] Graph.computeDistancesFrom(Vertex vertex)
          Compute the distances (in number of edges) from this vertex to other vertices in graph.
 int Vertex.getDoorTo(Vertex v)
          Gets the door through which this vertex goes to v.
 Edge Vertex.getEdge(Vertex v)
          Gets the edge incident to vertex v and this.
 boolean Edge.isConnectedTo(Vertex v)
          Checks if this edge is connected to the given vertex.
 Edge Vertex.linkTo(Vertex v, boolean oriented)
          Links to another vertex (create an edge).
 void Vertex.merge(Vertex v)
          Merges vertex v to this.
 void Graph.removeVertex(Vertex vertex)
          Removes the vertex.
 void Vertex.unlink(Vertex v)
          Unlinks this vertex and vertex v.

Uses of Vertex in visidia.simulation

Methods in visidia.simulation with parameters of type Vertex
 int Console.addAgentToVertex(Vertex vertex, Agent ag)
          Adds an agent to a specified vertex.
 Agent Console.createAgentOnVertex(Vertex v, Agent agent)
          Creates a new agent on vertex.
 int Console.removeAgentFromVertex(Vertex vertex, Agent ag)
          Removes a specified agent from a specified vertex.
 void Console.switchVertexOnOff(Vertex vertex)
          Switch vertex on/off.

Uses of Vertex in visidia.simulation.command

Methods in visidia.simulation.command with parameters of type Vertex
 void CommandListener.agentMoved(int agentId, Vertex origin, Vertex destination, VisidiaEvent event)
          Agent moved.
 void SensorCommandListener.edgeAdded(Vertex origin, Vertex destination)
          Edge added.
 void SensorCommandListener.edgeRemoved(Vertex origin, Vertex destination)
          Edge removed.
 void CommandListener.edgeStateChanged(EdgeState newEdgeState, Vertex v1, Vertex v2)
          Edge state changed.

Uses of Vertex in visidia.simulation.process

Methods in visidia.simulation.process that return Vertex
 Vertex AgentProcess.getDestinationVertex()
          Gets the destination vertex.
 Vertex AgentProcess.getOriginVertex()
          Gets the origin vertex.
 Vertex MessageProcess.getVertex()
          Gets the vertex.

Methods in visidia.simulation.process with parameters of type Vertex
 void ProcessType.changeEdgeState(Vertex vertex, int door, EdgeState newEdgeState)
          Changes the edge state.
 java.lang.Object ProcessType.getEdgeProperty(Vertex vertex, int door, java.lang.Object key)
          Gets the edge property.
 void AgentProcess.setDestinationVertex(Vertex destination)
          Sets the destination vertex.
 void ProcessType.setEdgeProperty(Vertex vertex, int door, java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets the edge property.
 void ProcessType.setEdgeProperty(Vertex vertex, int door, java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object value, boolean displayable)
          Sets the edge property.
 void AgentProcess.setOriginVertex(Vertex origin)
          Sets the origin vertex.

Constructors in visidia.simulation.process with parameters of type Vertex
AgentProcess(Server server, Vertex vertex, int id)
          Instantiates a new agent process.
MessageProcess(Server server, Vertex vertex)
          Instantiates a new message process.

Uses of Vertex in visidia.simulation.process.agent

Methods in visidia.simulation.process.agent that return Vertex
 Vertex Agent.getDestinationVertex()
          Gets the destination vertex.

Methods in visidia.simulation.process.agent with parameters of type Vertex
 java.lang.Boolean AgentMover.isOpenDoor(int door, Vertex vertex)
          Tests if the door is open, and if the vertex is accessible.