Uses of Class

Packages that use Edge

Uses of Edge in visidia.graph

Fields in visidia.graph with type parameters of type Edge
protected  java.util.Vector<Edge> Vertex.edges
          The incident edges.

Methods in visidia.graph that return Edge
 Edge Vertex.getEdge(Vertex v)
          Gets the edge incident to vertex v and this.
 Edge Vertex.linkTo(Vertex v, boolean oriented)
          Links to another vertex (create an edge).

Methods in visidia.graph that return types with arguments of type Edge
 java.util.Enumeration<Edge> Vertex.getEdges()
          Gets the incident edges.
 java.util.Enumeration<Edge> Graph.getEdges()
          Gets the edges.

Uses of Edge in visidia.simulation.command

Methods in visidia.simulation.command with parameters of type Edge
 void CommandListener.edgePropertyChanged(Edge edge, VisidiaProperty property)
          Edge property changed.