Uses of Class

Packages that use Command

Uses of Command in visidia.simulation

Methods in visidia.simulation with parameters of type Command
 void Console.runCommand(Command cmd)
          Runs a command.

Uses of Command in visidia.simulation.command

Subclasses of Command in visidia.simulation.command
 class AddEdgeCommand
          AddEdgeCommand is the command involved when an edge is added (in sensor simulation).
 class ChangeEdgePropertyCommand
          The Class ChangeEdgePropertyCommand.
 class ChangeEdgeStateCommand
          ChangeEdgeStateCommand is the command involved when a edge state changes.
 class ChangeNodePropertyCommand
          ChangeNodePropertyCommand is the command involved when a node property changes.
 class DisplaySensorNumberCommand
          DisplaySensorNumberCommand is the command involved when enabling/disabling the sensor number display.
 class EndSimulationCommand
          EndAlgorithmCommand is the command involved when an algorithm terminates.
 class MoveAgentCommand
          MoveAgentCommand is the command involved when an agent moves.
 class MoveSensorCommand
          MoveSensorCommand is the command involved when a sensor moves.
 class NewPulseCommand
          NewPulseCommand is the command involved when a new pulse occurs.
 class RemoveAgentCommand
          RemoveAgentCommand is the command involved when an agent is removed.
 class RemoveEdgeCommand
          RemoveEdgeCommand is the command involved when an edge is removed (in sensor simulation).
 class SendMessageCommand
          SendMessageCommand is the command involved when a message is sent.
 class SetSensorNumberCommand
          SetSensorNumberCommand is the command involved when setting a sensor number.

Uses of Command in visidia.simulation.evtack

Methods in visidia.simulation.evtack that return Command
 Command VisidiaEvent.getCommand()
          Gets the command.

Constructors in visidia.simulation.evtack with parameters of type Command
VisidiaEvent(java.lang.Long lockId, Command command, Console console)
          Instantiates a new event.

Uses of Command in visidia.simulation.server

Methods in visidia.simulation.server with parameters of type Command
abstract  void Server.sendToConsole(Command cmd)
          Sends a command to the console.
 void RemoteServer.sendToConsole(Command cmd)
 void LocalServer.sendToConsole(Command cmd)