Uses of Class

Packages that use MessageType

Uses of MessageType in visidia.simulation

Fields in visidia.simulation declared as MessageType
static MessageType SimulationConstants.Messages.DUEL
          The duel message type.
static MessageType SimulationConstants.Messages.LABE
          The labels message type.
static MessageType SimulationConstants.Messages.MARK
          The mark message type.
static MessageType SimulationConstants.Messages.SYNC
          The synchronization message type.
static MessageType SimulationConstants.Messages.TERM
          The termination message type.

Uses of MessageType in visidia.simulation.process.algorithm

Methods in visidia.simulation.process.algorithm that return types with arguments of type MessageType
 java.util.Collection<MessageType> RuleAlgorithm.getMessageTypeList()
          return collection of Message Types. message types are defined in misc.MSG_TYPES. this method is common to all rules simulators.
 java.util.Collection<MessageType> Algorithm.getMessageTypeList()
          Gets the message type list.

Uses of MessageType in visidia.simulation.process.messages

Fields in visidia.simulation.process.messages declared as MessageType
static MessageType MessageType.defaultMessageType
          This type is used each time that the programmer of the algorithm does not specify the type of a message.

Methods in visidia.simulation.process.messages that return MessageType
 MessageType Message.getType()
          gets the message type.

Methods in visidia.simulation.process.messages with parameters of type MessageType
 void Message.setType(MessageType type)
          This method sets the type of a message.

Constructors in visidia.simulation.process.messages with parameters of type MessageType
BooleanMessage(boolean data, MessageType type)
          Instantiates a new boolean message.
IntegerMessage(java.lang.Integer data, MessageType type)
          Instantiates a new integer message.
IntegerMessage(int data, MessageType type)
          Instantiates a new integer message.
NeighborMessage(Neighbor n, MessageType t)
          Instantiates a new neighbor message.
StringMessage(java.lang.String data, MessageType type)
          Instantiates a new string message.
VectorMessage(java.util.Vector v, MessageType type)
          Instantiates a new vector message.

Uses of MessageType in visidia.simulation.process.synchronization

Methods in visidia.simulation.process.synchronization that return types with arguments of type MessageType
 java.util.Collection<MessageType> SynchronizationAlgorithm.getListTypes()
          Gets the list types.