Uses of Class

Packages that use MessageCriterion

Uses of MessageCriterion in visidia.simulation.process.algorithm

Methods in visidia.simulation.process.algorithm with parameters of type MessageCriterion
protected  Message Algorithm.receiveFrom(int door, MessageCriterion mc)
          Gets the first message arriving on target door that matches the criterion.

Uses of MessageCriterion in visidia.simulation.process.criterion

Subclasses of MessageCriterion in visidia.simulation.process.criterion
 class IntegerMessageCriterion
          IntegerMessageCriterion is used to identify a message containing an integer.

Constructors in visidia.simulation.process.criterion with parameters of type MessageCriterion
MessagePacketCriterion(MessageCriterion mc)
          Instantiates a new message packet criterion.