Uses of Interface

Packages that use Criterion

Uses of Criterion in visidia.simulation.evtack

Methods in visidia.simulation.evtack with parameters of type Criterion
 boolean VQueue.contains(Criterion c)
          Returns true if the queue contains one element that matches the criterion c.
 java.lang.Object VQueue.get(Criterion c)
          Returns the first element in the queue that match the criterion c.
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object> VQueue.getAllNoWait(Criterion c)
          Returns all elements in the queue that match the criterion c.
 java.lang.Object VQueue.getNoWait(Criterion c)
          Returns the first element in the queue that matches the criterion c.

Uses of Criterion in visidia.simulation.process

Methods in visidia.simulation.process with parameters of type Criterion
 boolean MessageProcess.emptyVQueue(Criterion c)
          Tests if the message VQueue is empty.
 Message MessageProcess.getNextMessage(Door door, Criterion c)
          Gets the next message received on the specified door (if any) corresponding to the criterion (if any).
 MessagePacket MessageProcess.getNextMessagePacketNoWait(Criterion c)
          Gets the next message packet matching the criterion.

Uses of Criterion in visidia.simulation.process.criterion

Classes in visidia.simulation.process.criterion that implement Criterion
 class CompoundCriterion
          This class defines a criterion as a combination of several criteria.
 class DoorCriterion
          DoorCriterion is used to select a message packet according to its incoming door.
 class DoorPulseCriterion
          allows to retrieve a message from a node queue according to the pulse and/or door number.
 class IntegerMessageCriterion
          IntegerMessageCriterion is used to identify a message containing an integer.
 class MessageCriterion
          This class implements a criterion that tests if the object is a Message.
 class MessagePacketCriterion
          MessagePacketCriterion is a message criterion wrapper that handles a message packet, extracts its message which is then tested by a MessageCriterion.

Methods in visidia.simulation.process.criterion with parameters of type Criterion
 void CompoundCriterion.add(Criterion c)
          Adds a criterion to the CompoundCriterion.
 boolean CompoundCriterion.remove(Criterion c)
          Removes a criterion.