Uses of Class

Packages that use Agent   

Uses of Agent in

Methods in that return Agent
 Agent AgentIO.load()
          Loads the current file as an agent.

Uses of Agent in visidia.simulation

Methods in visidia.simulation that return Agent
 Agent Console.createAgentOnVertex(Vertex v, Agent agent)
          Creates a new agent on vertex.
 Agent Console.getAgent(int agentId)
          Gets the agent.

Methods in visidia.simulation that return types with arguments of type Agent
 java.util.Collection<Agent> Console.getAgentsVertexCollection(int vertexId)
          Returns the collection of agents which are on the vertex defined by its id.

Methods in visidia.simulation with parameters of type Agent
 int Console.addAgentToVertex(Vertex vertex, Agent ag)
          Adds an agent to a specified vertex.
 Agent Console.createAgentOnVertex(Vertex v, Agent agent)
          Creates a new agent on vertex.
 void Console.killAgent(Agent agent)
          Kill agent.
 int Console.removeAgentFromVertex(Vertex vertex, Agent ag)
          Removes a specified agent from a specified vertex.

Uses of Agent in visidia.simulation.process

Methods in visidia.simulation.process that return Agent
 Agent AgentProcess.getAgent()
          Gets the agent.

Methods in visidia.simulation.process with parameters of type Agent
 void AgentProcess.moveAgentTo(Agent ag, int door)
          Moves an Agent to a specified door.
 void AgentProcess.setAgent(Agent agent)
          Sets the agent.
 void AgentProcess.sleep(Agent ag, int milliseconds)
          Makes the specified agent fall asleep for a given amount of milliseconds.

Uses of Agent in visidia.simulation.process.agent

Subclasses of Agent in visidia.simulation.process.agent
 class AgentRules
 class SynchronousAgent
          Extend this class to implement Synchronized Agents.

Methods in visidia.simulation.process.agent that return Agent
protected  Agent AgentMover.agent()
          Returns the agent associated to this mover.

Methods in visidia.simulation.process.agent with parameters of type Agent
 void AgentMover.setAgent(Agent ag)
          Sets the agent.

Constructors in visidia.simulation.process.agent with parameters of type Agent
AgentMover(Agent ag)
          Creates a new agent mover.