Uses of Class

Packages that use Star

Uses of Star in visidia.rule

Fields in visidia.rule declared as Star
protected  Star Rule.after
protected  Star Rule.befor

Methods in visidia.rule that return Star
 Star Rule.after()
          return the star after.
 Star Rule.befor()
          return the star before

Methods in visidia.rule with parameters of type Star
 int RelabelingSystem.checkForRule(Star n)
          check if any rule is applicable to the context n. returns the position of the rule, -1 if no rule is applicable .
 boolean Star.contains(Star context)
          warning: this method sets doors of context by those of corresponding elements in the star. so always use a copy of the context while using this method. the sense of equality is defined in the class Neighbor
 boolean Star.containsLabels(Star star)
 boolean Rule.isApplicableTo(Star neighbourhood)
          this method decides if the rule can be applied to the context neighborhood.
 boolean Star.sameCentState(Star s2)
 void Star.setDoors(Star b)
          sets the door numbers of the star, with the value of door numbers of those at the same position in the star b.
 void Star.setStates(Star b)
          sets states of the star elements (center and neighbors), with the value of states of those at the same position in the star b.

Constructors in visidia.rule with parameters of type Star
Rule(Star b, Star a)
          a constructor a Rule without forbidden contexts.
Rule(Star b, Star a, RuleVector fc)
Star(Star s)
          constructor of a star clone of an other.

Uses of Star in visidia.simulation.process.synchronization

Fields in visidia.simulation.process.synchronization declared as Star
 Star SynchronizationObjectTerminationRules.neighborhood

Methods in visidia.simulation.process.synchronization with parameters of type Star
 void SynchronizationObjectTerminationRules.setNeighborhood(Star n)