Uses of Class

Packages that use Neighbor

Uses of Neighbor in visidia.rule

Methods in visidia.rule that return Neighbor
 Neighbor Star.neighbor(int i)

Methods in visidia.rule with parameters of type Neighbor
 void Star.addNeighbor(Neighbor v)
          add a the Neighbor v to the neighborhood. the Neighbor is added at the end of the vector.
 int Star.contains(Neighbor nei)
          looks in the star for a Neighbor equals to the Neighbor nei.
 int Star.containsLabel(Neighbor nei)
          looks in the star for a Neighbor with the same label of the Neighbor nei. the operation "looking for" is Randomized
 boolean Neighbor.equals(Neighbor n)
          two neighbors are equal if they have same labels, marks, and doors.
 int RuleVector.indexOf(Neighbor nei)
          looks in the vector for an elements Neighbor equals to the parameter nei, this operation is Randomized.
 int RuleVector.indexOfLabel(Neighbor nei)
          looks in the vector for an elements having the same label as the parameter nei. this operation is Randomized.
 boolean Neighbor.sameState(Neighbor n)
          compare only the labels.
 void Star.setState(int position, Neighbor n)
          sets the Neighbor n at the position i in the neighborhood.
 void Neighbor.setState(Neighbor n)
          sets properties with value of those of the Neighbor given on parameters. only the door number is not set.

Uses of Neighbor in visidia.simulation.process.messages

Methods in visidia.simulation.process.messages that return Neighbor
 Neighbor NeighborMessage.getNeighbour()
          Gets the neighbor.

Constructors in visidia.simulation.process.messages with parameters of type Neighbor
NeighborMessage(Neighbor n)
          Instantiates a new neighbor message.
NeighborMessage(Neighbor n, MessageType t)
          Instantiates a new neighbor message.