Uses of Class

Packages that use CellViewer   

Uses of CellViewer in

Methods in that return CellViewer
 CellViewer PropertyTableModel.getCellAt(int row, int column)
          Gets the cell at position (row, column).

Uses of CellViewer in

Subclasses of CellViewer in
 class BooleanCell
          BooleanCell is the class for editing and rendering in a JTable a cell containing a boolean.
 class ClassIdentifierCell
          SensorMoverCell is the class to specify a sensor mover from sensor properties.
 class ColorLabelCell
          ColorLabelCell is the class for editing and rendering in a JTable a cell containing a couple (Label, Color).
 class DoubleCell
          DoubleCell is the class for editing and rendering in a JTable a cell containing a double.
 class IntegerCell
          IntegerCell is the class for editing and rendering in a JTable a cell containing an integer.
 class JButtonCell
          JButtonCell is the class for rendering in a JTable a cell containing a JButton.
 class MultiStringCell
          MultiStringCell is the class for editing and rendering in a JTable a cell containing several strings.
 class StringCell
          StringCell is the class for editing and rendering in a JTable a cell containing a single string.