Uses of Class

Packages that use ColorPalette

Uses of ColorPalette in visidia.misc.colorpalette

Subclasses of ColorPalette in visidia.misc.colorpalette
 class CustomColorPalette
          The Class CustomColorPalette allows the user to generate a new color palette.
 class StandardColorPalette
          StandardColorPalette is the default color palette in ViSiDiA.

Methods in visidia.misc.colorpalette that return ColorPalette
 ColorPalette ColorPaletteManager.createAndUseNewPalette(int nbColors)
          Creates a new palette and sets it as current palette.

Methods in visidia.misc.colorpalette with parameters of type ColorPalette
 void ColorPaletteManager.setCustomPalette(ColorPalette colorPalette)
          Sets the custom palette.