Jérémie Chalopin, Antoni Mazurkiewicz, Yves Métivier. Labelled (hyper)graphs, negotiations and the naming problem. In Graph transformation International conference on graph transformation (ICGT), Lecture notes in computer science, Volume 5214, Pages 54-68, Royaume-Uni, 2008.
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{W}e consider four different models of process interactions that unify and generalise models introduced and studied by {A}ngluin et al. and models introduced and studied by {M}azurkiewicz. {W}e encode these models by labelled (hyper)graphs and relabelling rules on this labelled (hyper)graphs called negotiations. {T}hen for these models, we give complete characterisations of labelled graphs in which the naming problem can be solved. {O}ur characterizations are expressed in terms of locally constrained homomorphisms that are generalisations of known graph homomorphisms.
Jérémie Chalopin
Antoni Mazurkiewicz
Yves Métivier
BibTex Reference
Author = {Chalopin, Jérémie and Mazurkiewicz, Antoni and Métivier, Yves},
Title = {{L}abelled (hyper)graphs, negotiations and the naming problem},
BookTitle = {{G}raph transformation {I}nternational conference on graph transformation ({ICGT})},
Volume = {5214},
Pages = {54--68},
Series = {{L}ecture notes in computer science},
Publisher = {{S}pringer},
Address = {{R}oyaume-{U}ni},
Year = {2008}
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