Med-Amine Haddar, Ahmed Hadj-Kacem, Yves Métivier, Mohamed Mosbah, Mohamed Jmaiel. Proving Distributed Algorithms for Mobile Agents: Examples of Spanning Tree Computation in Anonymous Networks. In Distributed Computing and Networking, Volume 904, Pages 286-291, 2008.
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Med-Amine Haddar
Ahmed Hadj-Kacem
Yves Métivier
Mohamed Mosbah
Mohamed Jmaiel
BibTex Reference
Author = {Haddar, Med-Amine and Hadj-Kacem, Ahmed and Métivier, Yves and Mosbah, Mohamed and Jmaiel, Mohamed},
Title = {Proving Distributed Algorithms for Mobile Agents: Examples of Spanning Tree Computation in Anonymous Networks},
BookTitle = {Distributed Computing and Networking},
Volume = {904},
Pages = {286--291},
Publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
Year = {2008}
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