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Dominique Méry, Mohamed Mosbah, Mohamed Tounsi. Refinement-based Verification of Local Synchronization Algorithms. In Formal Methods FM2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Limerick, Irlande, June 2011.


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Synchronization algorithms are mandatory for simulating local computation models of distributed algorithms. Therefore, correctness of these algorithms becomes crucial, because it gives confidence that local computations are simulated as designed and do not behave harmfully. However, these algorithms are considered to be very complex to prove since they are integrating both distributed and probabilistic aspects. We derive proofs of synchronization algorithms relied upon the correct-by-construction paradigm; it is supported by a progressive and incremental process controlled by the refinement techniques. We illustrate our approach by examples like the Handshake and the LC1 algorithms. These algorithms are designed for an asynchronous distributed network of anonymous processes which use the message-passing feature as a model for the communication


Dominique Méry
Mohamed Mosbah
Mohamed Tounsi

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Méry, Dominique and Mosbah, Mohamed and Tounsi, Mohamed},
   Title = {Refinement-based Verification of Local Synchronization Algorithms},
   BookTitle = {Formal Methods FM2011},
   Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
   Publisher = {Springer},
   Address = {Limerick, Irlande},
   Month = {June},
   Year = {2011}

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