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Bilel Derbel, Mohamed Mosbah, Akka Zemmari. Sublinear Fully Distributed Partition with Applications. Theory of Computing Systems, 47(3):368-404, 2010.


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We present new efficient deterministic and randomized distributed algorithms for decomposing a graph with $n$ nodes into a disjoint set of connected clusters with radius at most $k-1$ and having $O(n^{1+1/k})$ intercluster edges. We show how to implement our algorithms in the distributed $\mathcal{CONGEST}$ model of computation, i.e., limited message size, which improves the time complexity of previous algorithms\ \cite{MS00,Awe85,Peleg00b} from $O(n)$ to $O(n^{1-1/k})$. We apply our algorithms for constructing low stretch graph spanners and network synchronizers in sublinear deterministic time in the $\mathcal{CONGEST}$ model


Bilel Derbel
Mohamed Mosbah
Akka Zemmari

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Derbel, Bilel and Mosbah, Mohamed and Zemmari, Akka},
   Title = {Sublinear Fully Distributed Partition with Applications},
   Journal = {Theory of Computing Systems},
   Volume = {47},
   Number = {3},
   Pages = {368--404},
   Year = {2010}

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