%0 Conference Proceedings %F CHALOPIN_2008_HAL-00332765_1 %A Chalopin, Jérémie %A Mazurkiewicz, Antoni %A Métivier, Yves %T {L}abelled (hyper)graphs, negotiations and the naming problem %B {G}raph transformation {I}nternational conference on graph transformation ({ICGT}) %V 5214 %P 54-68 %S {L}ecture notes in computer science %I {S}pringer %C {R}oyaume-{U}ni %X {W}e consider four different models of process interactions that unify and generalise models introduced and studied by {A}ngluin et al. and models introduced and studied by {M}azurkiewicz. {W}e encode these models by labelled (hyper)graphs and relabelling rules on this labelled (hyper)graphs called negotiations. {T}hen for these models, we give complete characterisations of labelled graphs in which the naming problem can be solved. {O}ur characterizations are expressed in terms of locally constrained homomorphisms that are generalisations of known graph homomorphisms. %U http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00332765/en/ %D 2008