In ViSiDiA, agents and algorithms can be defined using either a rewriting rule system or
an Application Programming Interface (API). We here only present the creation of agents
and algorithms using the ViSiDiA API.
To create a new agent or algorithm, you must create a new class in a new file. This must
extend one the API classes, depending on the communication mode (synchronous or
asynchronous) and the process type (fixed processes or mobile sensors). Theses API
classes are located in the visidia.process.agent and visidia.process.algorithm
packages, respectively. Please refer to the following table to determine which class to
In the new class, whatever the class you extend, you have to specifiy at least two methods:
These methods will be called by ViSiDiA when loading and running your agent or algorithm,
To implement your algorithm or agent, you have access to several methods defined in the
ViSiDiA API, depending on the API class your algorithm or agent extends. The following
sections describe these methods.
Agents are autonomous computation entities which move on the network, using node
ressources when reaching a node. Each agent has its own properties, and can acces to
node whiteboards. Agents can either manage its own movement or use an agent mover
which will automatize the movement.
Movement is defined by an origin vertex (node) and a destination vertex. An agent
operates when it arrived at a vertex. We thus consider that an agent, if on a vertex, is
always on the destination vertex.
protected Collection agentsOnVertex();
Returns the collection of agents which are on each vertex.
public int getArity();
Returns the destination vertex degree.
protected int getVertexIdentity();
Returns the destination vertex identity.
protected void sleep(int milliseconds);
Pauses the agent during the given number of milliseconds.
protected int getNetSize();
Returns the net size. Provided for convenience, since an agent is not supposed to know
graph global information.
public Object getProperty(Object key);
Gets the agent property value associated to the key, or null if the key does not
public Object setProperty(Object key, Object value, int status);
Adds a property to the agent. If the value is null then the property is removed.
Please refer to SimulationConstants.PropertyStatus class to see available
public Object setProperty(Object key, Object value);
Adds a non-displayable property to the agent. If the value is null then the property is
public Object removeProperty(Object key);
Removes the property.
public void resetProperties();
Resets properties to their initial (default) value.
public Set<Object> getPropertyKeys();
Gets all agent property keys.
public boolean containsElement(Object key);
Checks if key matches an agent property.
protected Object getVertexProperty(Object key);
Gets the destination vertex property value associated to the key, or null if the key does
not exist.
protected void setVertexProperty(Object key, Object value, int status);
Adds a property to the destination vertex. Please refer to SimulationConstants.PropertyStatus
class to see available statuses.
protected void setVertexProperty(Object key, Object value);
Adds a non-displayable property to the destination vertex using its previously defined
status if any ; else define the property as non-displayable.
protected String getVertexLabel();
Gets the destination vertex label.
protected int getVertexIdentity();
Gets the destination vertex identity.
protected void setVertexLabel(String label);
Sets the destination vertex label.
protected void lockVertexProperties();
Locks the vertex whiteboard where the agent is. If already locked, waits until the owner
unlocks it.
protected void unlockVertexProperties();
Unlocks the vertex whiteboard where the agent is.
protected boolean vertexPropertiesLocked();
Tests if destination vertex properties are locked.
protected boolean lockVertexIfPossible();
Locks the destination vertex; does nothing if it is already locked.
protected Object getEdgeProperty(int door, Object key);
Gets the property value associated to the key of the edge identified by the door number
from destination vertex. Returns null if the key does not exist.
protected void setEdgeProperty(int door, Object key, Object value);
Adds a property to the edge identified by the door number from destination
protected final void setDoorState(EdgeState st, int door);
Changes the door state and thus the edge color and thickness. The parameter st can be
created using MarkedState or SyncState instances.
protected void move();
Moves the agent using its associated mover.
protected void moveBack();
Moves the agent back to the vertex from where it comes.
protected void moveToDoor(int door);
Moves agent to specific door.
protected int entryDoor();
Returns the door from which the agent comes.
protected void setAgentMover(String name);
Associates a mover to the agent. The parameter is the mover class name.
public Vertex getDestinationVertex();
Returns the agent destination vertex.
When creating a new synchronous agent, one method can be redefined in the new class, in addition to clone() and init() methods:
public int getPulse();
Gets the current pulse. This value is associated to the simulator, and thus shared by all
running agents.
public void nextPulse();
The node asks for a new pulse to begin. The method waits until all agents have called this
To be written.
In ViSiDiA, the same algorithm is copied to each process (each node). Each cloned
algorihm is thus related to a node. When one of the following methods is called, it refers
to the node to which the current algorithm copy belongs. Each node has a whiteboard, an
editable set of its properties.
When creating a new algorithm, two methods can be redefined in the new class, in
addition to clone() and init() methods:
protected int getArity();
Returns the node degree.
protected int getId();
Returns the node id.
protected int getNetSize();
Returns the net size. Provided for convenience, since an algorithm is not supposed to
know graph global information.
protected Enumeration<Integer> getOrientedDoors();
Gets the oriented doors of the current node. Both incoming and outgoing doors are
protected boolean isIncomingDoor(int door);
Returns true if the door corresponds to an edge pointing to the current node. Also returns
true if the edge is not oriented.
protected boolean isOutgoingDoor(int door);
Returns true if the door corresponds to an edge leaving the current node. Also returns
true if the edge is not oriented.
protected void putProperty(String key, Object value, int status);
Adds a property to the node. Please refer to SimulationConstants.PropertyStatus
class to see available statuses.
protected void putProperty(String key, Object value);
Adds a property to the node using its previously defined status if any ; else define the
property as non-displayable.
protected Object getProperty(String key);
Gets the node property value associated to the key, or null if the key does not
protected Object getEdgeProperty(int door, String key);
Gets the property value associated to the key of the edge identified by the door number
from current vertex, or null if the key does not exist.
protected void setEdgeProperty(int door, String key, Object value);
Adds a property to the edge identified by the door number from current vertex.
protected final void setDoorState(EdgeState st, int door);
Changes the door state and thus the edge color and thickness. The parameter st can be
created using MarkedState or SyncState instances.
For communication purposes, each node identifies the path to its neighbors using "doors".
A door is a unique integer identifier between 0 (included) and the number of neighbors
minus one.
protected boolean sendTo(int door, Message msg);
Sends the message on outgoing door.
protected void sendAll(Message msg);
Sends the message to all neighbors.
protected Message receiveFrom(int door);
Gets the first message arriving on the specific door. The algorithm is blocked until
protected Message receiveFrom(int door, MessageCriterion mc);
Gets the first message arriving on the specific door that matches the criterion mc. The
algorithm is blocked until reception.
protected Message receive(Door door);
Gets the first message arriving on the node through the specific door. The algorithm is
blocked until reception.
public int getPulse();
Gets the current pulse. This value is associated to the simulator, and thus shared by all
running algorithms.
public int nextPulse();
The node asks for a new pulse to begin. The method waits until all algorithms have called
this method.
protected boolean sendTo(int door, Message msg);
Stores the current pulse into the message, and sends the message on outgoing
protected final Message getNextMessage(DoorPulseCriterion dpc);
Gets the first message arriving that matches the criterion dpc. If no message has arrived,
the algorithm does not block until reception but returns null.
protected final Message receive(Door door);
Returns the first message arrived in the previous pulse and writes the door number in the
Door object.
protected final boolean existMessage(DoorPulseCriterion dpc);
Returns true if there exists a message that matches the dpc criterion in the message
queue of the node.
protected final boolean anyMsg();
Returns true if the node has received any message which has been sent in the previous
public void move(int sensorId);
Moves a sensor to a support vertex chosen by its associated mover.
public void moveAfterEnd(int sensorId);
Moves a sensor after algorithm end.
Before you can compile your new java file, get the visidia_api.jar file, and suppose you
put it in a directory referred to as $VISIDIA_API_PATH.
Then compile your file with the following command:
You then run ViSiDiA as usual. When selecting an agent or an algorithm, click "Add new"
in the selection dialog, and browse to YourClass.class. Select it, and you can execute
Note that you don’t need to add this class again (even if you close and restart ViSiDiA)
except if you remove the class from the selection dialog.
A process (algorithm or agent) may change the state of a graph edge. ViSiDiA offers
marked (class MarkedState) and synchronized (class SynchronizedState) states. The
user can define its own states by extending the class EdgeState.
One can find these classes in the visidia.simulation.process.edgestate
Algorithms send messages on the graph. ViSiDiA offers the possibility of sending
messages representing integer values (class IntegerMessage), boolean values (class
BooleanMessage), string values (class StringMessage), vectors of information of
different types (class VectorMessage), and the information about a neighbor (class
NeighborMessage). The user can define its own messages by extending the class
One can find these classes in the visidia.simulation.process.messages package.
An algorithm may decide to receive the messages complying with a number of criteria,
for example by type (classes MessageCriterion, IntegerMessageCriterion,
MessagePacketCriterion) or by provenance (classes DoorCriterion, DoorPulseCriterion).
It is possible to have a criterion which is the combination of several others (class
CompoundCriterion). The user can define its own criteria by extending the class
One can find these classes in the visidia.simulation.process.criterion
We have defined a non-oriented graph. The algorithm (the rendez-vous) is duplicated on each graph vertex. It means that each node executes the same algorithm, and that all executions are independent.
Consider the algorithm on a given vertex V.
The algorithm randomly selects a neighbor N of V, then sends 1 to N and 0 to all other
neighbors of V.
If at the same time V receives 1 from the algorithm on N, then we say that the
rendez-vous is set between V and N.
When a rendez-vous is scheduled between two nodes, the edge connecting them is marked
and algorithms on V and N send each other a "Hello" message. When both have received
this message, the edge is unmarked.
We get the arity of V (its number of neighbors), and randomly choose a door (an integer value between 0 and the number of neighbors minus one).
We use the sendTo method with two parameters: the chosen door and an IntegerMessage.
The method receiveFrom(door) waits for a message coming from door.
The method setDoorState changes the state of a given door; here we use a MarkedState (marked or unmarked depending on the boolean parameter).