As smart cities inherently involve multiple disciplines, Dices-N has evolved to include new themes and encompass a wide range of topics pertinent to large-scale smart city initiatives. .
Towards Digital cities and Emerging, Smart and Sustainable Networks Workshop
Aims and Scope
Nowadays, the global vision is the progressive migration towards smart cities in order to enhance citizen life, optimize the allocation of city resources and support sustainable growth without sacrificing health and environment. As urban centers grapple with challenges stemming from population expansion, resource limitations, and environmental deterioration, the imperative to harness smart computing technologies becomes increasingly apparent. These technologies hold the key to constructing urban ecosystems that are not only sustainable but also resilient in the face of evolving challenges, particularly climate changing.
Smart cities rely on the deployment of novel technologies and IT tools to cultivate intelligent and customized applications that cater to various aspects of urban life. This encompasses a broad spectrum of domains, including but not limited to smart living, mobility, economy, environment, and governance. Innovation flourishes across these diverse sectors, with a plethora of applications waiting to be proposed and implemented. From enhancing quality of life to improving transportation systems, fostering economic vitality, preserving natural resources, and streamlining governance processes, the potential for smart city solutions knows no bounds.
The workshop aims to be a major forum for researchers, interested in the design, development and evaluation of systems, platforms and architectures for smart cities applications and services. The workshop on Digital cities and Emerging, Smart and Sustainable Networks (DiCES-N) invites researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and industry experts to submit papers on cutting-edge smart computing solutions aimed at advancing sustainability in urban environments. Highlights of the workshop will include a high quality single-track technical program and an invited speaker.
Main Topics of interest
Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished contributions related to all aspects of smart city technologies, from theoretical foundations to practical implementations, and encompassing real-world case studies. Topical areas of interest are, but not limited to, the following:
Smart cities and IoT:
- Applications for smart and sustainable cities: e-health, smart transportation, smart grid, smart agriculture, smart environment, e-vote, Internet of Vehicles, …
- Smart and sustainable infrastructure
- Intelligent Transportation Systems: traffic, congestion, safety, sustainable modes of transportation
- Urban mobility solutions: smart computing for shared mobility, micro-mobility options, smart parking
- Advanced digital services
- Green IT
- IoT computing, networking, and applications
- Digital twin technologies
- ...
Networks and wireless technologies for smart city applications:
- Wireless and mobile networks: Ad Hoc networks, WSN, WBAN, VANETs, 5G,…
- Distributed algorithms
- Communication and networking protocols
- Context-awareness in wireless and mobile networks
- Power-aware, Energy-Efficient Designs and renewable energy
- Novel Architectures for wireless and mobile Networks
- Autonomous Intelligent Systems
- Self-organizing, self-stabilizing and self-healing Network Architectures and Protocols
- Next generation network architecture for intelligent computing
- Signal processing and applications in the context of smart city applications
- Network virtualization and software-defined networks
- Cognitive communications and networking
- Mobile fog/edge/cloud computing
- Green Networking
- Modelling and performance evaluation
- Performance analysis : complexity, correctness, scalability
- Robustness, fault-tolerance, scalability of architectures and networks
- Verification and validation of algorithms and applications
- ...
AI-enabled cities:
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning applied to smart cities applications
- Machine intelligence in smart environments and real time analytics
- Generative AI (for smart cities use cases)
- Data analytics for smart cities
- Data-Driven Predictions
- Optimization, approximation methods for smart cities applications
- ...
Security in the context of smart cities:
- Network and mobile security
- Cybersecurity and data privacy
- Resilient and Safe AI
- Blockchain
- Digital governance and citizen engagement
- Digital trust
- Digital forensics
- ...
Early Paper Submission:
Early Author Notification: January 31, 2025
Paper Submission:
Author Notification: March 17, 2025
Short Paper Submission:
Author Notification (short paper): March 17, 2025
Camera-ready Copy Submission: March 29, 2025
Author Registration: April 5, 2025

The DiCES-N 2025 proceeding will be published by Springer in the Communications in Computer and Information Science series CCIS (

Indexing: The books of this series are indexed in Scopus, DBLP, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, Mathematical Reviews, SCImago.
The best papers will have the opportunity to submit extended versions to a prestigious journal proposed by the workshop:

Previous Editions :
Workshop Committee
General co-chairs
Imen Jemili, Dr. (HDR) University of Carthage, Tunisia
Mohamed Mosbah, Pr. Bordeaux INP, France
TPC co-chairs
Florence Sedes, Pr. Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier University, France
Habib Fathallah, Pr. University of Carthage, Tunisia
Proceedings chair
Soumaya Dahi, Dr. University of Carthage, Tunisia
Local organization
Emna Ben Salem, Dr. University of Carthage, Tunisia
Salma Batti, Dr. University of Carthage, Tunisia
Hela Mahersia, Dr. (HDR) University of Carthage, Tunisia
Publicity chair
Zeineb El Khalfi, Dr. CESI, France soumaya.dahi(at)fsb(dot)ucar(dot)tn
Program Committee
Ikram Amous, University of Sfax, Tunisia Houda Anoun, Université Hassan II Casablanca, Morocco Salma Batti, University of Carthage, Tunisia Raoudha Beltaifa, University of Manouba, Tunisia Anis Ben Aicha, University of Carthage, Tunisia Lotfi Ben Othmane, Iowa State University, USA Ismail Berrada, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco Jihane Boulahia, University of Carthage, Tunisia Luca Davoli, University of Parma, Italy Tai Dinh, The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics, Japan Mohamed El Ansari, Moulay Ismail University Meknès, Morocco Kamal E Melkemi, University of Batna 2, Algeria Ahmed EL Oualkadi, National school of applied sciences of Tangier, Morocco Nabil Hassan Litayem, Joaan Bin Jassim Academy for Defense Studies, Qatar Sabra Mabrouk, University of Manouba, Tunisia Hela Mahersia, University of Carthage, Tunisia Amel Meddeb Makhlouf, University of Sfax, Tunisia Hend Marouane, University of Sfax, Tunisia Leila Jamel Menzli, Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University, Saudi Arabia Hassan Mnif, University of Sfax, Tunisia Chokri Mraidha, CEA LIST, France Dorsaf Omri, ENIT, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia Samir Ouchani, CESI, France Ashish Rauniyar, SINTEF Digital, Norway Abdelaziz Sahbani, National Engineering School of Tunis, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia Damien Sauveron, University of Limoges, France Haifa Touati, University of Gabes, Tunisia Mohamed Tounsi, Umm Al-Qura University, Mecca, Saudi Arabia Akka Zemmari, University of Bordeaux, France ...
Submission Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished contributions for this workshop. Submissions must not be currently under consideration somewhere else.
The author(s) name(s) and address(es) must not appear in the body of the paper, and self-reference should be in the third person. This is to facilitate double-blind review. Only the title should be shown at the first page without the author's information.
Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for latex or for Word, for the preparation of their papers (Springer’s proceedings LaTeX templates are available in Overleaf). Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers. In addition, the corresponding author of each paper, acting on behalf of all of the authors of that paper, must complete and sign a Consent-to-Publish form. The corresponding author signing the copyright form should match the corresponding author marked on the paper. Once the files have been sent to Springer, changes relating to the authorship of the papers cannot be made.
Papers must be formatted according to the CCIS template. Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for latex or for Word, for the preparation of their papers (Springer’s proceedings LaTeX templates are available in Overleaf). Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their camera-ready papers. Papers longer than 16 pages can be accepted, if justified by the quality of the content. In addition, the corresponding author of each paper, acting on behalf of all of the authors of that paper, must complete and sign a Consent-to-Publish form. The corresponding author signing the copyright form should match the corresponding author marked on the paper. Once the files have been sent to Springer, changes relating to the authorship of the papers cannot be made.
The papers that will be selected for presentation at the workshop will be included in post-proceedings published by Springer in the Communications in Computer and Information Science series (CCIS) series (prior to publication the papers should be revised according to the review comments).
All paper submissions will be handled through the EquinOCS system >. If you have used this system before, you can use the same username and password. If this is your first time using EquinOCS system, you will need to register for an account by clicking "create an account" link. Upon completion of registration, you will get a notification email from the system and you are ready for submitting your paper. You can upload and re-upload the paper to the system by the submission due date.
Special Ph.D. session
This special session aims to bring together PhD and Master's students involved in the design, development, and evaluation of systems, platforms, and architectures for smart city applications and services. It provides them with the opportunity to present and discuss their research in front of peers and experienced professors in a helpful environment. Short papers are encouraged, presenting preliminary results or ongoing work, limited to MSc or PhD research, within the scope of the DiCES-N workshop.
Each paper must be formatted according to Springer's CCIS format and must at most 8 pages long. All short paper submissions must be completely anonymous. Submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review process by members of the DiCES-N workshop program committee. Authors should not reveal their name or affiliation on the title page or in the text. Once accepted, articles must be single-authored, and the name(s) of the supervisor(s) must be clearly indicated (‘supervised by ...’) below the name of the principal author in the camera-ready version.
Papers must be submitted electronically, in PDF format, using the Equinocs submission system. Candidates whose papers have been accepted are expected to present their research at the special PhD. session and discuss their work and projects with other candidates and senior researchers. They are also expected to attend all sessions of the event. Accepted papers presented at the special session will be included in the DiCES-N 2025 workshop proceedings, which will be published by Springer as part of the CCIS series. A selection of highly rated short papers will be exempt from registration fees.
Don't miss the event!