%0 Journal Article %F ouledabdallah:hal-00806181 %A Ouled Abdallah, Nesrine %A Hadj Kacem, Hatem %A Mosbah, Mohamed %A Zemmari, Akka %T {Randomized broadcasting in wireless mobile sensor networks} %J Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience %V 25 %N 2 %P 203-217 %X {Wireless sensor networks are a new generation of networks that need specific models and algorithms. We are interested specifically in mobile wireless sensor networks that are considered as anonymous asynchronous distributed mobile systems. As broadcast is one of the most important applications for such networks, and as it depends on the communication model, we tried to find the most suitable one to make a distributed broadcast algorithm. We adopted the population protocols, the Angluin's model of pairwise interactions of anonymous finite-state agents, to broadcast an information. We tried to modify this model to avoid the information duplication and then calculated the complexity of the algorithm. Then, we extended the model with the rendezvous one that made the stabilization of the algorithm faster. The implementation, the simulation, and the validation of these algorithms and results have been done with Visidia} %U http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00806181 %8 February %D 2013 %K anonymous mobile sensor network %K broadcast %K distributed probabilistic algorithm %K population protocols %K rendezvous