Yves Métivier, J.M. Robson, Nasser Saheb-Djahromi, Akka Zemmari. On the Time and the Bit Complexity of Distributed Randomised Anonymous Ring Colouring. Theoretical Computer Science, 445:1-12, May 2012.
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{We present and analyse a very simple randomised distributed vertex colouring algorithm for ring graphs. Its time complexity is ${\log\_2 n} + o(\log n)$ on average and $2{\log\_2 n}+ o(\log n)$ with probability $1- o(n^{-1}).$ Each message containing $1$ bit we deduce the same values for its bit complexity. Then we compose this algorithm with another and we obtain a $3$-colouring algorithm for ring graphs. Thanks to an overlapping, we obtain once more the same values for the time complexities on average and with probability $1- o(n^{-1}).$ The same results hold for the bit complexity. These results are obtained using the Mellin transform. We establish lower bounds (on average and with probability $1- o(n^{-1})$) for the distributed randomised anonymous ring colouring problem. We prove that our algorithms match these lower bounds modulo a negligible additive function (negligible with respect to $\log\_2 n$). We assume that the ring is anonymous: unique identities are not available to distinguish the processes; we only assume that each vertex distinguishes between its neighbours. Furthermore we do not assume that the size (or an upper bound on the size) of the ring is known.}
[ Bit complexity ] [ Colouring ] [ Mellin transform ] [ Probabilistic analysis ] [ Randomised distributed graph algorithm ] [ Ring ] [ Time complexity ] [ Bit complexity ]
Yves Métivier
John-Michael Robson
Nasser Saheb-Djahromi
Akka Zemmari
BibTex Reference
Author = {Métivier, Yves and Robson, J.M. and Saheb-Djahromi, Nasser and Zemmari, Akka},
Title = {{On the Time and the Bit Complexity of Distributed Randomised Anonymous Ring Colouring}},
Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
Volume = {445},
Pages = {1--12},
Month = {May},
Year = {2012}
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