%0 Conference Proceedings %F chalopin:hal-00695582 %A Chalopin, Jérémie %A Métivier, Yves %A Morsellino, Thomas %T {On snapshots and stable properties detection in anonymous fully distributed systems (Extended abstract)} %B {19th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity} %E Even, G. %E M. Halldorsson, M. %V 7355 %P 207-218 %S Lecture notes in computer science %I Springer-Verlag %C Islande %X {Most known snapshot algorithms assume that the vertices of the network have unique identifiers and/or that there is exactly one initiator. This paper concerns snapshot computation in an anonymous network and more generally what stable properties of a distributed system can be computed anonymously with local snapshots with multiple initiators when knowing an upper bound on the diameter of the network.} %U http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00695582 %8 May %D 2012 %K Snapshot %K Stable properties %K Anonymous fully distributed system