Cédric Aguerre, Thomas Morsellino, Mohamed Mosbah. Debugging the Execution of Distributed Algorithms over Anonymous Networks. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Visualisation, Pages 464-470, Montpellier, France, July 2012.
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{Computing the global state of an asynchronous distributed system is a widely studied problem and finds a plethora of solutions under different assumptions. Most of them do not correspond to real-life requirements. In this paper, we address the global snapshot and the global predicate evaluation problems in anonymous and asynchronous networks. We present a fully-distributed solution which allows the debugging and the monitoring of such networks. We show that our contribution can be easily implemented and added as a new feature in existing simulation softwares by describing specifications of the used model and details of the development process. As an illustration, a debugging layer is implemented on the ViSiDiA platform.}
[ Snapshot ] [ Stable properties ] [ Anonymous fully distributed system ] [ Visualization ]
Cédric Aguerre
Thomas Morsellino
Mohamed Mosbah
BibTex Reference
Author = {Aguerre, Cédric and Morsellino, Thomas and Mosbah, Mohamed},
Title = {{Debugging the Execution of Distributed Algorithms over Anonymous Networks}},
BookTitle = {{Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Visualisation}},
Pages = {464--470},
Address = {Montpellier, France},
Month = {July},
Year = {2012}
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