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Cédric Aguerre, Thomas Morsellino, Mohamed Mosbah. Fully-Distributed Debugging and Visualization of Distributed Systems in Anonymous Networks. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, M. Kraus, R. S. Laramee P. Richard, J. Braz (eds.), Pages 764-767, Rome, Italie, February 2012.


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{The debugging of distributed algorithms is a major challenge which greatly benefits from the help of an interactive and informative human-computer interface. In this paper we present ViSiDiA, a platform for the visualization, simulation and debugging of distributed algorithms. Our approach respects real-life constraints such as process anonymity and privacy, network synchronicity. We propose a new fully-distributed method for the debugging and monitoring of distributed systems, based on the computation of global states and global predicates from local information in anonymous and asynchronous networks. We show how the debug information can be visualized concurrently with the algorithm execution.}


[ Snapshot ] [ Stable properties ] [ Anonymous fully distributed system ] [ Visualization ]


Cédric Aguerre
Thomas Morsellino
Mohamed Mosbah

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Aguerre, Cédric and Morsellino, Thomas and Mosbah, Mohamed},
   Title = {{Fully-Distributed Debugging and Visualization of Distributed Systems in Anonymous Networks}},
   BookTitle = {{Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications}},
   editor = {P. Richard, M. Kraus, R. S. Laramee and Braz, J.},
   Pages = {764--767},
   Publisher = {INSTICC},
   Address = {Rome, Italie},
   Month = {February},
   Year = {2012}

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