Mohamed Mosbah, Affif Sellami. Implementation of an Enumeration Protocol Algorithm Using Local Graph Computations. In Second International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques, Crete, Greece, July 2001.
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We present an implementation of Mazurkiewicz algorithm based on local graph transformations. Through this case study, we present a methodology for modeling distributed algorithms coded by graph relabelling systems. We obtain a simple and efficient implementation that makes the algorithm easier to understand. We also provide an experimental evaluation by implementing it in ViSiDiA, a tool for simulating and visualizing distributed algorithms.
BibTex Reference
Author = {Mosbah, Mohamed and Sellami, Affif},
Title = {Implementation of an Enumeration Protocol Algorithm Using Local Graph Computations},
BookTitle = {Second International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques},
Address = {Crete, Greece},
Month = {July},
Year = {2001}
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