Yves Métivier, Mohamed Mosbah, Affif Sellami. Proving Distributed Algorithms by Graph Relabelling Systems: Examples of Trees in Networks with Processor Identities. In AGT2002, ETAPS, Grenoble, France, April 2002.
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In this paper, we argue that graph relabelling systems are well suited for the representation of distributed algorithms as well as for correctness and termination proofs. Various algorithms for computing distributed spanning trees serve as examples. The proofs use techniques that benefit from the high level encoding of distributed algorithms in form of rewriting systems. The result is a formal approach to describe and study distributed algorithms in a unified and simple way.
Yves Métivier
Mohamed Mosbah
Afif Sellami
BibTex Reference
Author = {Métivier, Yves and Mosbah, Mohamed and Sellami, Affif},
Title = {Proving Distributed Algorithms by Graph Relabelling Systems: Examples of Trees in Networks with Processor Identities},
BookTitle = {AGT2002, ETAPS},
Address = {Grenoble, France},
Month = {April},
Year = {2002}
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