Stefan Gruner, Yves Métivier, Mohamed Mosbah, Pierre-André Wacrenier. Distributed Algorithm for Computing a Spanning Tree in Anonymous T-prime Graphs. In OPODIS'2001, International Conference On Principles of DIstributed Systems, Manzanillo, Mexico, December 2001.
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We describe a distributed algorithm for computing spanning trees in anonymous networks. The processors communicate with their neighbours by asynchronous message passing. The algorithm is correct and terminates for networks belonging to the class of T-prime graphs. We also present some experimental results concerning the complexity of our algorithm.
Stefan Gruner
Yves Métivier
Mohamed Mosbah
Pierre-André Wacrenier
BibTex Reference
Author = {Gruner, Stefan and Métivier, Yves and Mosbah, Mohamed and Wacrenier, Pierre-André},
Title = {Distributed Algorithm for Computing a Spanning Tree in Anonymous T-prime Graphs},
BookTitle = {OPODIS'2001, International Conference On Principles of DIstributed Systems},
Address = {Manzanillo, Mexico},
Month = {December},
Year = {2001}
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