%0 Conference Proceedings %F CHALOPIN_2008_HAL-00332759_1 %A Chalopin, Jérémie %A Godard, Emmanuel %A Métivier, Yves %T {L}ocal terminations and distributed computability in anonymous networks %B {D}istributed computing {I}nternational symposium on distributed computing ({DISC}) %V 4218 %P 47-62 %S {L}ecture notes in computer science %I {S}pringer %C {A}rcachon {F}rance %X {W}e investigate the computability of distributed tasks in reliable anonymous networks with arbitrary knowledge. {M}ore precisely, we consider tasks computable with local termination, i.e., a node knows when to stop to participate in a distributed algorithm, even though the algorithm is not necessarily terminated elsewhere. {W}e also study weak local termination, that is when a node knows its final value but continues to execute the distributed algorithm, usually in order to provide information to other nodes. {W}e give the first characterization of distributed tasks that can be computed with weak local termination and we present a new characterization of tasks computed with local termination. {F}or both terminations, we also characterize tasks computable by polynomial algorithms. %U http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00332759/en/ %D 2008