%0 Conference Proceedings %F CHALOPIN_2007_HAL-00308126_1 %A Chalopin, Jérémie %A Godard, Emmanuel %A Métivier, Yves %A Tel, Gerard %T {A}bout the termination detection in the asynchronous message passing model %B {T}heory and {P}ractice of {C}omputer {S}cience 33rd {I}nternational conference on {C}urrent trends in theory and practice of computer science ({SOFSEM} 2007) %V 4362 %P 200-211 %S {L}ecture notes in computer science %I springer %C {T}ch{è}que, {R}{é}publique %X {T}his paper presents a complete characterisation of the families of networks in which distributed computations can be performed in a process terminating manner, that is with explicit termination (at least one node of the network knows that every node has obtained its final state) in the asynchronous message passing model. {T}he characterisation encompasses all criteria that have been formulated in the past that were known to influence explicit termination: topological restriction (tree), topological knowledge (size or diameter), and local knowledge to distinguish nodes (identities or a leader). {T}hese results are now presented as corollaries of a single generalising theorem. {I}n addition our characterisation covers combinations of these, as well as new criteria, notably, link labelings. %U http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00308126/en/ %D 2007