%0 Journal Article %F CHALOPIN_2007_HAL-00308125_1 %A Chalopin, Jérémie %A Métivier, Yves %T {A}n efficient message passing algorithm based on {M}azurkiewicz s algorithm %J {F}undamenta {I}nformaticae %V 80 %N 1 %P 221-246 %X {W}e study the election and the naming problems in the asynchronous message passing model. {W}e present a necessary condition based on {A}ngluin's lifting lemma that must be satisfied by any network that admits a naming (or an election) algorithm. {W}e then show that this necessary condition is also sufficient: we present an election and naming algorithm based on {M}azurkiewicz's algo\-rithm. {T}he algorithm we obtained is totally asynchronous and it needs a polynomial number of messages of polynomial size, whereas previous election algorithms in this model are pseudo-synchronous and use messages of exponential size. %U http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00308125/en/ %D 2007