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Jérémie Chalopin, Shantanu Das, Nicola Santoro. Rendezvous of mobile agents in unknown graphs with faulty links. In Distributed Computing, Volume 4731, Pages 108-22, 2007.


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A group of mobile agents wandering among the nodes of a network have to gather together in a single node of the graph; This problem known as the Rendezvous problem has been studied extensively but only for networks that are safe or fault-free. In this paper, we consider the case when some of the edges in the network are dangerous or faulty such that any agent entering one of these nodes would be destroyed. Our objective is to minimize the number of agents that are destroyed and achieve rendezvous of all the surviving agents. We determine under what conditions this is possible and present algorithms for achieving rendezvous in such cases. Our algorithms are for arbitrary networks with an arbitrary number of dangerous channels; thus our model is a generalization of the case where all the dangerous channels lead to single node, called the Black Hole. We do not assume prior knowledge of the network topology; In fact, we show that knowledge of only a “tight †bound on the network size is sufficient for solving the problem.


Jérémie Chalopin
Shantanu Das
Nicola Santoro

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Chalopin, Jérémie and Das, Shantanu and Santoro, Nicola},
   Title = {Rendezvous of mobile agents in unknown graphs with faulty links},
   BookTitle = {Distributed Computing},
   Volume = {4731},
   Pages = {108--22},
   Publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
   Year = {2007}

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