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Michel Bauderon, Stefan Gruner, Mohamed Mosbah. A New Tool for the Simulation And Visualization of Distributed Algorithms. In MFI'01, Volume I, Pages 165-77, Toulouse, France, May 2001.


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In this report we present a tool for the visualization of distributed computations. Special attention is payed to certain distributed algorithms which have been coded as rewriting systems by Yves Metivier. In order to study the behaviour of algorithms and tool, several experiments have been performed the results of which are presented and discussed. Finally, some important properties of our tool are described and explained. An alpha-version of the tool will be made available to the public soon.


Michel Bauderon
Stefan Gruner
Mohamed Mosbah

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Bauderon, Michel and Gruner, Stefan and Mosbah, Mohamed},
   Title = {A New Tool for the Simulation And Visualization of Distributed Algorithms},
   BookTitle = {MFI'01},
   Volume = {I},
   Pages = {165--77},
   Address = {Toulouse, France},
   Month = {May},
   Year = {2001}

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