@Misc{PendaPage, Author = {Castéran, Pierre and Filou, Vincent}, Title = {Loco: A {C}oq {L}ibrary on {L}ocal {C}omputation {S}ystems}, Howpublished = {http://www.labri.fr/$\sim$casteran/Loco}, Year = {0} } @Book{coqart, Author = {Bertot, Yves and Castéran, Pierre}, Title = {Interactive Theorem Proving and Program Development. Coq'Art: The Calculus of Inductive Constructions}, Series = {Texts in Theoretical Computer Science}, Publisher = {Springer Verlag}, Year = {2004} } @TechReport{CASTERAN-2009-371705, Author = {Castéran, Pierre and Filou, Vincent and Mosbah, Mohamed}, Title = {{Formal Proofs of Local Computation Systems}}, Month = {March}, Year = {2009} } @InProceedings{SCSS09, Author = {Castéran, Pierre and Filou, Vincent and Mosbah, Mohamed}, Title = {Certifying Distributed Algorithms by Embedding Local Computation Systems in the Coq Proof Assistant}, BookTitle = {Symbolic Computation in Software Science (SCSS'09)}, Year = {2009} } @InProceedings{CFJFLA2010, Author = {Castéran, Pierre and Filou, Vincent}, Title = {Tâches, types et tactiques pour les systèmes de calculs locaux}, BookTitle = {Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs}, Year = {2010} } @InProceedings{CASTERAN_2009_HAL-00407990_1, Author = {Castéran, Pierre and Filou, Vincent and Mosbah, Mohamed}, Title = {{C}ertifying {D}istributed {A}lgorithms by {E}mbedding {L}ocal {C}omputation {S}ystems in the {C}oq {P}roof {A}ssistant}, BookTitle = {{P}roceedings of {S}ymbolic {C}omputation in {S}oftware {S}cience ({SCSS} 2009) {S}ymbolic {C}omputation in {S}oftware {S}cience ({SCSS} 2009)}, Address = {{T}unisie}, Year = {2009} } @InProceedings{CASTERAN-2010-467864, Author = {Castéran, Pierre and Filou, Vincent}, Title = {T{â}ches, types et tactiques pour les syst{è}mes de calculs locaux}, BookTitle = {Actes des vingt-et-uni{è}mes Journ{é}es Francophones des Langages Applicatifs}, editor = {Lavallée, Ivan}, Pages = {83--110}, Series = {Studia Informatica Universalis}, Publisher = {Hermann}, Address = {La Ciotat, France}, Month = {March}, Year = {2010} } @article{CASTERAN-2011-596712, Author = {Castéran, Pierre and Filou, Vincent}, Title = {Tasks, types and tactics for local computation systems}, Journal = {Studia Informatica Universalis}, Volume = {9.1}, Pages = {39--86}, Year = {2011} }