@InProceedings{TOUNSI_2009_HAL-00361933_1, Author = {Tounsi, Mohamed and Hadj-Kacem, Ahmed and Mosbah, Mohamed and Méry, Dominique}, Title = {{A} {R}efinement {A}pproach for {P}roving {D}istributed {A}lgorithms : {E}xamples of {S}panning {T}ree {P}roblems}, BookTitle = {{I}ntegration of {M}odel based {F}ormal {M}ethods and {T}ools({IM}{FMT} 2009)}, Address = {{D}{ü}sseldorf {A}llemagne}, Year = {2009} } @InProceedings{MERY-2011-579252, Author = {Méry, Dominique and Mosbah, Mohamed and Tounsi, Mohamed}, Title = {Refinement-based Verification of Local Synchronization Algorithms}, BookTitle = {Formal Methods FM2011}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Limerick, Irlande}, Month = {June}, Year = {2011} } @article{TOUNSI-2011-644187, Author = {Tounsi, Mohamed and Mosbah, Mohamed and Méry, Dominique}, Title = {Proving Distributed Algorithms by Combining Refinement and Local Computations}, Journal = {Electronic Communications of the EASST}, Volume = {35}, Pages = {0--2122}, Month = {November}, Year = {2011} } @InProceedings{MERY-2010-547302, Author = {Méry, Dominique and Mosbah, Mohammed and Tounsi, Mohammed}, Title = {Proving Distributed Algorithms by Combining Refinement and Local Computations}, BookTitle = {AVOCS 2010 10th International Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems}, editor = {Jens Bendisposto, Michael Leuschel, Markus Roggenbach}, Address = {Dusseldorf, Allemagne}, Month = {September}, Year = {2010} }