@InProceedings{1432101, Author = {Derbel, Bilel and Mosbah, Mohamed and Gruner, Stefan}, Title = {Mobile Agents Implementing Local Computations in Graphs}, BookTitle = {ICGT '08: Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Graph Transformations}, Pages = {99--114}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, Year = {2008} } @InProceedings{DERBEL_2006-FastDistributed, Author = {Derbel, Bilel and Mosbah, Mohamed and Zemmari, Akka}, Title = {Fast distributed graph partition and application}, BookTitle = {Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2006. IPDPS 2006. 20th International}, Year = {2006} } @article{Derbel200679, Author = {Derbel, Bilel and Mosbah, Mohamed}, Title = {Distributed Graph Traversals by Relabelling Systems with Applications}, Journal = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science}, Volume = {154}, Number = {2}, Pages = {79--94}, Year = {2006} } @InProceedings{DERBEL_2004-FullyDistributed, Author = {Derbel, Bilel and Mosbah, Mohamed}, Title = {Fully Distributed Linear Time Algorithm for Cluster Network Decomposition}, BookTitle = {16th International Conference on PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING AND SYSTEMS, PDCS 2004}, Pages = {548--53}, Publisher = {ACTA Press}, Address = {Cambridge, MA, USA}, Year = {2004} } @InProceedings{939669, Author = {Derbel, Bilel and Mosbah, Mohamed}, Title = {Distributing the Execution of a Distributed Algorithm over a Network}, BookTitle = {IV '03: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Information Visualization}, Publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, Address = {Washington, DC, USA}, Year = {2003} } @InProceedings{DERBEL_2003-Distribution, Author = {Derbel, Bilel and Mosbah, Mohamed}, Title = {Distribution de l'exécution d'un algorithme distribué sur un réseau}, BookTitle = {Conférence Internationale Sciences Electroniques, Technologies de l'Information et des Técommunications (SETIT 2002), IEEE}, Address = {Sousse, Tunisia}, Month = {March}, Year = {2003} } @article{DMZ09, Author = {Derbel, Bilel and Mosbah, Mohamed and Zemmari, Akka}, Title = {{S}ublinear {F}ully {D}istributed {P}artition with {A}pplications}, Journal = {{T}heory of {C}omputing {S}ystems}, Year = {2009} } @article{DERBEL-2010-351045, Author = {Derbel, Bilel and Mosbah, Mohamed and Zemmari, Akka}, Title = {Sublinear Fully Distributed Partition with Applications}, Journal = {Theory of Computing Systems}, Volume = {47}, Number = {3}, Pages = {368--404}, Year = {2010} }