@InProceedings{HAMID_2007-DistributedLocal, Author = {Hamid, Brahim and LeSaec, Bertrand and Mosbah, Mohamed}, Title = {Distributed Local 2-Connectivity Test of Graphs and Applications}, BookTitle = {Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications}, Volume = {4742}, Pages = {195--207}, Publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg}, Year = {2007} } @InProceedings{HAMID_2007-ASimpleDistributed, Author = {Hamid, Brahim and LeSaec, Bertrand and Mosbah, Mohamed}, Title = {A Simple Distributed Algorithm for the Maintenance of a Spanning Tree}, BookTitle = {First International Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (VECoS 2007)}, Address = {Algiers, Algeria}, Month = {May}, Year = {2007} } @InProceedings{HAMID_2007-Distributed, Author = {Hamid, Brahim and LeSaec, Bertrand and Mosbah, Mohamed}, Title = {Distributed $2$-Vertex Connectivity Test of Graphs Using Local Knowledge}, BookTitle = {Proceeding of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems}, Pages = {71--6}, Year = {2007} }