@InProceedings{1306553, Author = {Hamdi, Hedi and Mosbah, Mohamed and Bouhoula, Adel}, Title = {A Domain Specific Language for Securing Distributed Systems}, BookTitle = {ICSNC '07: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications}, Publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, Address = {Washington, DC, USA}, Year = {2007} } @InProceedings{1318578, Author = {Hamdi, Hedi and Bouhoula, ADEL and Mosbah, Mohamed}, Title = {A Software Architecture for Automatic Security Policy Enforcement in Distributed Systems}, BookTitle = {SECUREWARE '07: Proceedings of the The International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems, and Technologies}, Pages = {187--192}, Publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, Address = {Washington, DC, USA}, Year = {2007} }