ViSiDiA software
To run ViSiDiA now (as a Java applet), click here.
To obtain the latest version (1.5.1) of ViSiDiA software or ViSiDiA API, please contact us.
- Simulation:
- Fixed processes and mobile sensors
- Local network
- Statistics
- Relabeling systems
- Multiple simulation
- Message passing communication
- Mobile agents (synchronous, asynchronous)
- Node properties adjustment
- Vertex switch on/off during agent-based simulation
- Agent suppression when simulation is running
- Record and replay simulations
- Graph edition:
- add/remove/displacement of vertices and edges
- graph import/export in GML file format
- multiple selection
- undo/redo system
- zoom
- Other:
- API development
- Software preferences
- Algorithm description
- Runtime display settings
- Samples (algorithms, agents, graphs)
Additional information
ScreenshotsRelease notes (changes)
System requirements