Some Rewriting Animations
- Spanning Tree : This is a simple Rewriting System which computes a Spanning Tree with the RDV synchronization.
- Sequential Spanning Tree with Global Termination Detection : This is a Rewriting System using Priority, we use the LC2 synchronization.
- Election in a Tree : We use the Forbidden Context in this Rewriting System, the synchronization on this system is the LC1.
Other Animated Examples:
- Rendez-Vous Algorithm
- Star Synchronization Algorithm (LC1)
- Spanning Tree (a second example)
- Spanning Tree with Identities
- Sequential Spanning Tree with Identities
- Spanning Tree with Identities with Termination Detection
- The Dijkstra Scholten Algorithm
- Spanning Tree with Dijkstra Scholten Algorithm
- Tree Election
- Complete Graph Election
- 3-Coloration on a Ring
- The Chang Roberts Algorithm for a ring with 10 Nodes
- The Chang Roberts Algorithm for a ring with 15 Nodes